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Media Directory Gone


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15 minutes ago, tulathirac said:

do I have to pull the media from the disks?

No this won't work because that isn't how Unraid works. Don't do anything without further advice


Likely you have filesystem corruption on cache or some other disk included in the share and it's breaking the user shares.

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I think the one that has all the files is Media.


If you 

mv /mnt/user/media /mnt/user/media-other


Everything should start working perfectly for you.


But, you've probably got (or had) a docker application that you inadvertently mapped a path mapping of /mnt/user/media which wound up creating it

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To further explain why this happened, linux is case-sensitive. If you specify "Media" and also specify "media", you are specifying different things. But, SMB (Windows, for example) isn't case sensitive. So it will only show you one of those.


Make sure you go through all of your container settings and make them consistent, and also go through all of the applications in your dockers and make them consistent. You must do this or you will continue to create these problems for yourself.

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8 minutes ago, trurl said:

Tools - Docker Safe New Permissions.

unRaid 6.3.5 so no CA, so no FCP.


@tulathirac, after everything gets sorted out, would be wise to update to unRaid 6.6 and then install Community Applications followed by installing Fix Common Problems (install via the Apps tab).  It would have caught this problem and alerted you to it.

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