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Chromebook SMB to unRAID


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unRAID version 6.6.2

Chromebook OS version 70


Now that time has gone by, Chromebooks are evolving, and there has been apps made as the "SMB for Windows app" that seems it was working (I haven't tried), but I was just looking at the settings (advanced > downloads > network file shares) and there is was, telling me to add the NAS by either smb://server/folder or \\server\folder.

But I could not connect to it for the life of me. Not sure if anyone here with actual knowledge would be able to educate me and help me tho this struggle.


I know there as been a lot of problems concerning SMB and Windows lately, and every time my Windows computer updates I have to try 17 things to get it working, but I get it somehow. I don't know enough, but I see a lot about SMB v1 being deactivated.

I'm actually building a new server(still receiving parts for it), so if anything, I'm willing to try changing many settings and play around with it, without worry of losing data. But I would like to have a way to not worry about the problems with my Windows computer and be able to use with my Chromebook.


I appreciate your time, and I hope someone will be able to help me out, and possibly with this, help others too.


Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 19.29.29.png

Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 19.30.06.png

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Have you tried replacing the server name with its IP address? Often there are name resolution issues. Is it a private or public share? What are you entering in the Username and Password fields? The most likely to work is a private share which has access granted to a user whose credentials you enter in those fields.


Update to Unraid 6.6.5.

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2 minutes ago, John_M said:

Have you tried replacing the server name with its IP address? Often there are name resolution issues. Is it a private or public share? What are you entering in the Username and Password fields? The most likely to work is a private share which has access granted to a user whose credentials you enter in those fields.


Update to Unraid 6.6.5.

I'm sorry, I was a bit vague, I did attempt using the server name(bootland) and the local ip(, I made sure nothing was capitalized, and properly typed. I attempted multiple shares, which some are private and public, all of them with and without user information, made sure password is good. Also, I did attempt more than one user(one user has r/w the other has only r).

I'm waiting on 2 parts(should arrive within the next hour) and I'll start playing with the new computer, for the next couple hours my main computer will be busy with parity.

once the new computer is all set, I plan on moving all data to it, so I'm not worried about playing with it now, but I hope to have it working completely(more important than current computer).


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It's working for me. Just use \\\media or equivalent for your machine and add user/password, if required ...

Also smb:\\\media it's working. I guess you have SMB activated...

Edited by thomas
also smb:\\\media it's working
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1 hour ago, thomas said:

It's working for me. Just use \\\media or equivalent for your machine and add user/password, if required ...

Also smb:\\\media it's working. I guess you have SMB activated...

For some reason now smb:\\ isn't working, but just \\192... is working for most shares. It's working intermittently, working on some shares that are hidden but not on some of the privates. some are saying that the credentials are wrong, while it's the same credentials across all of them.

I appreciate the help. I'm going to keep messing with it.

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1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

Make sure that you are not being bitten by one of these bugs/features/limitations:





Make sure you read not only this post but the following posts as they cover a lot of possible causes of intermittent SMB issues. 

Thank you, I'll be reading up on it, I'm focusing a bit more on checking most of the new hardware I just got. but tomorrow I'll be doing both.

It looks like I'll have my fair share of reading. But I do appreciate it.

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  • 11 months later...
4 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

Have you done  a search on thumbnails in the Chrome APP store?

To be perfectly honest, I didn't even know there was a chrome app store until you said that. I just looked it up, but I am not sure which one of those would allow this function. Just to clarify, I can already see thumbnails on anything stored locally on the chromebook and things in my google drive or google photos. It is just the SMB share on my unraid server.

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