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Unraid only using 1 disk in the array


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Hi guys I'm very new to this.  I have 4 drives in my array 2x 500gb and 2x 320.  The drives I have are for testing atm I will be installing 3x 4tb drives later. I have a 500gb as Parity and the other drives as storage.


When I'm copy data to the array only the 500gb is used until I get the (there is not enough space on ****) when I still have 2x 320gb drives in the array that are empty.

Included disks is set to all,  Split level is set to automatically split any directory as required and for Allocation method I have tried (high water) and most free) with the same results.  


I don't know if it is something I'm doing wrong or missing but any help would be great.


Cheers Klompa

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  1. Allocation Method for the share is set to be fill up
  2. You've changed at some point the global share includes to only include the first disk.  Change it to include all disks (deselect anything checked off)
  3. Share includes only the one drive.  See above
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I assume you are talking about the share (anonymized) name m----------r.


I have never seen this and it really seems like it shouldn't cause a problem, but you have that share set as cache-prefer, which is not typically what you would want since that means the share should try to stay on cache. The setting for a cached share that you want moved to the array is cache-yes.


But, you don't actually have a cache disk, so the setting you have is sort of meaningless. I would have expected it to overflow to the array based on the other user share settings so allocation method should apply.


Change the setting to either cache-yes or cache-no and see if that fixes it. And I would recommend high-water allocation.


Note that making this change will not move any of the existing data. User share settings only apply to new files.

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That is the right share 

I know about the cashe that was me trying to get it to work.

This is the 3rd time I've tried to get this to work 1st was on 6.6.6 and then 6.6.3 now back to 6.6.6 and the disks were formatted each time.  


Just a quick question I have been copy files over in 300gb or 200gb sets.  Once you start a copying task does that copy stay on 1 drive?  



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30 minutes ago, klompa said:

Just a quick question I have been copy files over in 300gb or 200gb sets.  Once you start a copying task does that copy stay on 1 drive?  

How are you doing the copy? I have seen rsync create all folders in advance before writing any files, which results in all files going to one disk since the folders by themselves didn't take enough space to trigger allocation method then the files went to those already created folders.

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