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Moving a WD EasyStore to a shucked drive to internal?


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I was running out of space and picked up three of the WD EasyStore 10 TB hard drives. I plugged in one drive so I can start migrating away from my two 3 TB hard drives and one 4 TB hard drive. I got everything to fit, was able to remove the smaller drives. During this process, my startup USB drive crashed but thankfully was able to recover that. Anyway, I would like to shuck the 10 TB hard drive and plug it in via SATA but the name changes so Unraid doesn't recognize it. Is there an easy way to reassign that so I don't have to rebuild via parity or move files over to the my two new 10 TB hard drives then remove the drive and re-add it?

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You could New Config to change the assignment, but it might be better to just rebuild it from parity since I'm not sure if you can depend on the shucked drive appearing exactly the same bit-for-bit as it did as a USB drive. If it isn't then it might invalidate parity or even be unmountable.


I know there have been some cases where USB disks seem to be partitioned differently or something resulting in them being slightly smaller than a normal disk of that capacity.


Obviously it is different at least in the way it is identified since it isn't recognized as the same disk.


Maybe @johnnie.black would know something about this.

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