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[solved] I found that my hard drives ate not spinning down anymore

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3 hours ago, RYZEN5000 said:

can't say I know where its written exactly I found the location with krusader

We could tell you if you post your docker run command for krusader as explained here.


It's probably in docker.img, so it would be better to use some mapped fast storage on a pool so you don't fill docker.img.


Hopefully it is not in rootfs (RAM) since that will crash the Unraid OS if it fills.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/17/2021 at 6:33 AM, JonathanM said:

That's not a good answer. Please clarify, as there are consequences for using locations that aren't appropriate for logging.


Runaway docker image size, running out of RAM and crashing, etc.


Since you are the one recommending the changes, YOU need to know the details about what you are telling people to change, so you can let them know of the possible consequences and how to deal with them if things go wrong.


Telling people to blindly follow your directions when you don't know the possible issues of what you are telling them to do is not good.

You know you are right, I will go back and change that location after all. 


On 11/17/2021 at 4:12 AM, RYZEN5000 said:

IT writes to /var/log/nextcloud/audit.log now please read my entire instructions for installation of nextcloud to learn more about the perfect setup and its super fast. destroys google drive in every way. I have upload speeds of 99mbs often. You will never see upload speed and reliabilty like this anywhere else. I can't say I know where its written exactly I found the location with krusader so I know it exists and thats what Im using it for it works fantastic. Its the perfect location. Oh boy I have a treat for everyone here. See my next post please for Amazing Nextcloud performance via proper installation done by me, invented by me.

I apologise I have made a correction and adjustment to the topic "keep nextcloud from spinning up my hard disks" the first command I gave is not ideal and its not the best place to move the nextcloud log to, to stop the spinning needlessly. That location was somewhere inside the docker container and after an update it is null and void. I have made a new command and if anyone wants to try it then good for you. you will need to create the location manually in the appdata folder where I think is the best place for a log file since its normally on the cache drive. This works 100% and will have no ill effects on your system and it is the only way I found to stop persistent disc spinning due to the nextcloud log file being written to every 15 minutes.


Here is the redo of my command:

occ config:app:set admin_audit logfile --value=/mnt/user/appdata/stoparrayspinningnextcloud/nospin.log


You can change it and name it whatever you like actually I just wrote mine like this so it makes sence to me.

This 100% stopped my discs from spinning continiously its harmless and I noticed that the actual log doesnt get written to very often or at all but its just enough to change the location that solves the headache of replacing discs or having to store nextcloud data on an SSD and being limited for space.

The command is to be pasted in the nextcloud console not the main cmd promt. Anyone who wants to try it be my guest, it worked for me really well and I imagine if I update nextcloud I will need to redo the command again so bear that in mind that you should probably save it to a text file in case you need to do it everytime it updates nextcloud. this I don't know yet as I just made the cmd today and so far its all good.

No harm can come for changing a log file location you should recieve confirmation of the change of admin audit log right after u press enter and then u know it acepted the command. If you need to set new permissions for appdata first before u modify anything in there then u can do that from the "tools" "new permissions" just select the appdata and press start.


This change I have observed no negative side effects towards nextcloud and everything seems to be completly risk free there are no consequinces for changing the log location.

Edited by RYZEN5000
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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 6/8/2022 at 9:48 PM, Domotics said:

   my nextcloud issue is solved by adding these two lines to the config.php


'logfile' => '/ext_logs/nextcloud_logs/nextcloud.log',
'logfile_audit' => '/ext_logs/nextcloud_logs/audit.log',


On 5/23/2019 at 10:29 PM, gacpac said:

sudo touch /var/log/nextcloud.log
sudo chown abc /var/log/nextcloud.log


neither worked for me, tried both but was still for some reason or another writing the log file to nextcloud share not within the appdata. so i combined both ideas and it worked!


in the config file i added:


  'logfile' => '/var/log/nextcloud.log',

  'logfile_audit' => '/var/log/audit.log',


then in the nextcloud's own console i did touch and chown abc for both files

so i ran:


sudo touch /var/log/nextcloud.log
sudo chown abc /var/log/nextcloud.log


sudo touch /var/log/audit.log
sudo chown abc /var/log/audit.log


restarted the container and voila! its now logging to within the appdata, no more disk spin ups!

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