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Cache Pool Raid 1 showing as Raid 0


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I have 2 ssds in my cache pool, they are setup as RAID1 (mirror)


The available size should be the size of the smallest ssd .right?


After installing the second ssd, the available size was set correct to 480 GB, but I 've noticed that after the second ssd spins down, the cache size increases to the sum of the 2 ssds. is this normal?





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At some point cache2 dropped offline, and now pool is a mix of single and raid1 profiles, if you had system notifications enable you'd have been warned about it.


You'll need to rebuild and rebalance the pool, easiest way should be:


This should be relatively safe to do, but if there's any important cache on data backup before starting.


stop array

unassign cache2

start array

stop array

re-assign cache2


Then check pool was balanced to raid1, if it wasn't do a manual balance.

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Thanks, this actually worked, But:


Checked my logs and there was no Warning or alert. (Maybe it should)

Once the cache pool went to Raid0 there was no alert icon on the shares indicating the some of the files were not protected. (Maybe it should)


Also, I did not have a power surge or any other event that might have put the cache2 SSD offline, Any ideas what could have happened? Maybe it's a faulty SSD, I'll keep an eye on it.

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34 minutes ago, oskretc said:

Checked my logs and there was no Warning or alert. (Maybe it should)

Not in the logs, Settings -> Notification Settings -> enable System notifications.


35 minutes ago, oskretc said:

Once the cache pool went to Raid0 there was no alert icon on the shares indicating the some of the files were not protected. (Maybe it should)

Since raid1 is the default Unraid currently considers any pool a redundant pool, this should change in the future.


36 minutes ago, oskretc said:

Any ideas what could have happened?

Most likely a connections issue, replace both cables to rule them out.

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