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Unmountable: No file system


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Hello everyone,
I disabled 10 disks from my server to test
In the disc of the discs
With a message "Unmountable: No file system"
«Unmountable disks present: with the list of 10 disks and me the formatting request

My parity disk was not used during my tests

The disks were in "xfs" format now declare in "auto"

Messages in "System Log"

bad option, bad superblock under / dev / md1, code page or auxiliary program missing or other error.

What solution to adopt to recover data

Thank you for your help in advance
I speak in French,
I hope the google translation is correct

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17 hours ago, n4152394 said:

I disabled 10 disks from my server to test

What does this mean exactly?


Except for disk3 all disks appear to be missing a valid filesystem, but disk3 is the only one set to xfs, all the others are set to auto, auto should work fine but try changing all the other disks to xfs, with the array stopped click on each disk and change the filesystem to xfs, then start array and if post new diags.

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37 minutes ago, n4152394 said:

it does not change anything

Not unexpected, but at least now we see why they aren't mounting:

Jun  9 12:51:24 berry kernel: XFS (md6): Invalid superblock magic number

Superblock is damaged, and you didn't answer my question:


2 hours ago, johnnie.black said:
19 hours ago, n4152394 said:

I disabled 10 disks from my server to test

What does this mean exactly?


In any case you can run xfs_repair on each disk, it will search the disk for a backup superblock, if those are not also damaged it should recover the filesystems.




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