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Moving my current HDs to a new Unraid server


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I am looking for some advice on how, or if this is posible.


6 months ago i purchase the wrong Motherboard and CPU.   Were i just discovered that i can't do half the things i want it to do. So i am back out looking for new hardware.


So my question is. Can i move my current hard drives from my Unraid workstation and place them into my new Unraid sever and power up.  Or is there something else i need to do.

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5 minutes ago, chris_netsmart said:

Second question.   When i move my HDs I am guesting that i when i move them over that i keep them in the same positions, within the raid

Unraid recognise drives by their serial numbers, not by how they are attached.  Is that the question you were asking?

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To elaborate my "most cases", as@itimpi alluded to drives are tracked by serial number. There are cases (most notably hardware raid cards) that do not present the drive's serial numbers the same as the manufacturer it is this case where you will have problems

Sent from my NSA monitored device

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