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How to change filesystem?

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I've a 6 disk microserver which has all but one disk as reiserfs, the other ( was 2nd parity) i've managed to free up and format to xfs.


I intend to Unbalance all the contents from each data disk across to the xfs and then switch fs on the then empty disk, how exactly do i switch the fs?


Is it as simpleas stopping the array and, in each disks  settings switch to 'xfs' and then restart?


And, will each time i do this require a parity rebuild, some 22hrs on this little system!

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Yes, stop the array, change the format type for the specific drive that you wish to erase, start the array, ensure only one drive (the one you changed) shows as unmountable, check the yes I'm sure, select format.


As long as you follow directions, no parity rebuild is necessary. Parity operates on the whole disk, regardless of format.

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  • 3 years later...

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