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GPU pass thru recommendation


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Really all Nvidia gpus are good to go. A cheap card with reasonable performance I really like the GTX 1050ti and use on in one of my servers. You can pick them up real cheap especially a used one. [emoji4]
What about low voltage consumption?
As the passthrough of igpu/quick sync is not working properly at the moment iam thinking also of buying a Nvidia card for Plex transcoding.

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On 7/20/2019 at 11:55 PM, Woodpusherghd said:

Any recommendations for a Nvida card (mid  to low price range) to be passed thru to a Windows 10 VM? I would like to connect to a monitor and speakers via HDMI. 

If you're looking for your cheapest option, the answer would be a GeForce GT 1030. If you're wanting to do a little more than just browse the internet your next option I would have to recommend is a GeForce GTX 1660 Ti. It's a recent GPU that's more oriented for gaming but it'll it's my formal mid-range recommendation.

13 hours ago, Toobie said:

What about low voltage consumption?
As the passthrough of igpu/quick sync is not working properly at the moment iam thinking also of buying a Nvidia card for Plex transcoding.

Sent from my MI 6 using Tapatalk

If you're looking at Plex transcoding, I'd recommend the GeForce GT 1030. It's a low-profile low-voltage consumption at a mere 30W, compared to say the GeForce GTX 1660 Ti at 80W and the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti at a whopping 250W. SpaceInvader One made a wonderful video earlier this year about how to use a GPU for Plex transcoding. I'd recommend you go check it out.

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