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Unable to open freshly transferred folders on Mac


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Hi Unraid Community,


Just got my new machine up and running and managing from a Macbook Pro.


I am unable to open any folders that I've transferred to my SMB Share thus far.


Here are screenshots of the finder as well as 'Get Info' window. I notice that the permissions read "No access" for all other users, but mine is set to "Read & Write".


Any help would be much appreciated.



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You are going to have to provide a bit more information to us.  First,  open the GUI terminal (right side of top toolbar) and type the following command:

ls -al /mnt/user0

Now, hit the 'up-arrow' key and append the name of the User Share to this command as the following example shows:

ls -al /mnt/user0/Media

Continue down the tree/path until you get to a file that has the problem.  Then copy and paste  the line for that file in the listing that has the problem.  (Please format it as 'Code' --   </> icon at the top of the reply box.) It will look like this:

-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users  178259492 Oct 20  2016 Nxxxxxxxxxxxxx-Axxxx-Wedding.pdf

Since you have a problem accessing the directory/folder, be sure that you also get the directory that shows that directory/folder. 

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Probably should not have jumped in here as I don't have a Mac.  And apparently there are not a lot of other Mac users willing to help either.  However, it appears that the permission settings are correct on the Unraid server for that folder.  There is one more Unraid setting that was added to accommodate Mac users.   


Settings   >>>   SMB   >>>  SMB Settings  


Look for the "Enhanced macOS interoperability:" option.  Click on the 'Help' icon for an explanation of what it does.  


12 hours ago, damnshaneisthatu said:

Getting mixed results moving folders/files from an external hard drive. Individual movie/image files are able to view, but folders that contain media you can see from the screenshot above. It just displays the directory details. I'm unable to view the contents.


If that did not fix the problem, let's look at the permission of the files that are inside of that folder.   To do this using the ls command from the command line, you have to understand how to enter the directory name when it contains 'special' characters.  Here is a good explanation of that:




Post up the output of the ls command of the contents of that directory and lets see if there is anything amiss there.  (I doubt it at this point but let's cover all possibilities.)  


Of course, there is always the possibility that the security settings on your Mac are the issue.  I can not help you there.  Often, Google can be your friend to finding a solution in these cases.  


Can you see files on your Mac that were put there by a Windows computer? 


Can a Windows computer see the files that you put there from the Mac?



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