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Very very low speeds while performing the "Clear_Drive_Then_Remove_Drive" Shrink array method

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I decided to follow this method to remove a bunch of drives from my array : Clear_Drive_Then_Remove_Drive


It seems however that I am getting the lowest speeds ever during the clearing of the drive : 6MB/s (see below). It even seems to keep getting lower and lower


Any idea why and how to speed things up ? NB : I did change the Disk settings to the "reconstruct drive" mb_write_method.


Many thanks


 Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/Clear an unRAID array data drive/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
*** Clear an unRAID array data drive *** v1.4

Checking all array data drives (may need to spin them up) ...

Found a marked and empty drive to clear: Disk 13 ( /mnt/disk13 )
* Disk 13 will be unmounted first.
* Then zeroes will be written to the entire drive.
* Parity will be preserved throughout.
* Clearing while updating Parity takes a VERY long time!
* The progress of the clearing will not be visible until it's done!
* When complete, Disk 13 will be ready for removal from array.
* Commands to be executed:
***** umount /mnt/disk13
***** dd bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=/dev/md13 status=progress

You have 60 seconds to cancel this script (click the red X, top right)

Unmounting Disk 13 ...
Clearing Disk 13 ...
5819596800 bytes (5.8 GB, 5.4 GiB) copied, 978 s, 5.9 MB/s


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51 minutes ago, Opawesome said:


Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script


I tried to close the window to abort the execution of the script but I don't think it worked. I still see many reads and writes from/on all the disks.


It took more than an hour to do 7GB. I am very worried (the drive is 2TB)...

Edited by Opawesome
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11 minutes ago, Opawesome said:

Any idea as to how I can terminate the "Clear an unRAID array data drive" script in a clean maner ?

Probably doesn't matter, except it may interfere with stopping the array. Personally I'd try stopping the array and see what happens. If it won't stop, look at the process list in the console and kill any dd processes.

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Just now, jonathanm said:

Probably doesn't matter, except it may interfere with stopping the array. Personally I'd try stopping the array and see what happens. If it won't stop, look at the process list in the console and kill any dd processes.

Stopping the array worked fine. Thank you very much for the advice. As per your suggestion, I removed all the drives according to this method instead : Remove_Drives_Then_Rebuild_Parity


Now Parity is rebuilding as expected. All numbers and speeds look much more normal to me now. The other method, although suposedly safer, definitely didn't look (at least to me) to be working in a way that seemed intended by the developers of Unraid.

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