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Error on Licence File


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Hi All.

I am getting this error

While unRaid will operate with multiple .key (registration files) within the config folder on the flash drive (ie: For simplicity sake you have multiple valid registrations and are storing them all within the config folder, you will run into problems if you ever need to transfer one of the registrations to another USB stick, as unRaid will not know which registration file to transfer, and the incorrect registration may get blacklisted. You should investigate and determine which key belongs to which USB stick and only have that particular key on that stick


Now let me explain when i bought the licence there where to many drive in the system

I did not know that the usb device also count as a Drive .

so i upgraded the licence but now i am getting this .


Should i be worried and how do i fix it.


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thanks for the very fast response.

I only have one server.

So the mistake i made is that i had to many drive in my machine .

so the key i bought was for Basic Tier 1

i then upgraded the Licence key to Tier 2 Plus.


so do i now have 2 licences ore only one.

this is what i am seeing.


So i need to know if i only have one licence how do i delete the other key that is giving me the errors.


Is there a way that i can see if i have one licence that is activated or two licences.


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11 minutes ago, Squid said:

There should be zero reason why you can't delete the key file.  You are trying to do this over the network?  There are no provisions within unRaid's GUI to delete any given file.

If over the network then it might depend on the access set up for the ‘flash’ share.     In fact thinking about with the 6.8-0-rc1 release the new permissions probably prohibit doing it via the network.


the easiest way to remove the file is probably to plug it into a PC/mac and do it from there.

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2 minutes ago, itimpi said:

In fact thinking about with the 6.8-0-rc1 release the new permissions probably prohibit doing it via the network.

I just got rid of all the various pictures, spreadsheets, and other junk that was for some reason sitting on the flash no problems over the network.

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