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Unraid DIsk Unmountable

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Hello All,


I am in urgent need of some advice. I have been a long time Unraid user with 0 issues but the past few days have been really bad. I will give some background for context, it may or may not be relevant to the current situation.


So a few weeks ago i wanted to expand my array. I had 2x6TB (Parity and disk 1) and 4x3TB drives (Disk 2-5) giving me a total of 18TB. I bought 2 more 6TB that i wanted to put in new slots. I put them in and started preclearing them. During the preclear one of the new 6TB came up with Smart errors (sector reallocation). I shut it down and took it out (and did an RMA), however when the machine rebooted Disk 5 was in a red state but no smart errors. I did a quick google and tried to unassigned it and reassign it to force a rebuild. While it was re building it kept erroring. I assumed it was a faulty drive and took it out and replaced it with the 6TB new drive. It did a rebuild fine and everything was OK, giving me a new array size of 21TB, until yesterday.


Yesterday I tried to restart one of my docker containers. The docker tab was missing and there was an error so I rebooted. When it tried to start it couldn't find the USB key to boot from. I shut it down put it in my laptop and it appeared fine. I had a spare USB drive so i copied the old key to the new one and it started fine. After doing the licence dance the array started fine and it stared doing a parity check. After a few hours I checked back on it and it had quite a few thousand errors. I let it complete overnight and it had ~22000 corrections. I noticed that on of my dockers wasn't working correctly so i rebooted again and now it says disk 5 is "Unmountable: no file system". and wants me to format it. Whats even more worrying is that its not emulating disk 5 and the total array size has dropped back to 15TB, like the new disk wasnt even part of the array.


My question is, what do I do. Obviously i don't want to loose any data, but im not sure if thats possible. Do I format? If i do will it rebuild disk 5 or will it just wipe it? please help.

Edited by Hullscotty1986
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Yes you were right same issue.

So, i have my old 3TB drive but i dont have a config with the drive in the pool. I think the issue was the power cable to the drive, not the drive itself.

So I can think of 1 of 2 things to do. 1 Modify the config so it has the old drive id, and rebuild the parity.

Or - Format the new drive so disk 5 is clean, then copy everything form the 3TB unassigned disk to the new 6TB disk. I would prefer option 1 but i dont know if its possible?

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I'm definitely guessing as I haven't had to use ddrescue yet (thank goodness) but if xfs_repair doesn't work and there is no emulation of D5 then would his recovery process be to physically remove D5 from the array and rebuild parity (assuming full data loss). Could he then run ddrescue on D5 from unassigned devices and add the newly recovered D5 (missing some if not most of the original data) back to the array and rebuild parity again?


@Hullscotty1986 I wrote the above as you posted... so is your 3TB disk a backup of D5 or will you need to recover data from D5?

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Yeah either way is going to yield the same result. I have started the copy, done 60GB of 3TB!

I have thrown away the power cable i was using on disk 5 too. The issues didn't start until I changed the power cable. I don't know for sure if that is the issue but the fact that my old disk5 is still readable after it kept going red makes me think it is. After the copy is done I will do a full parity check and hopefully everything will be back to normal, minus a few files that i lost.

Thanks all for your help. 

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Hi All,

So the data copied overnight. I did a dip test on disk 5 and the files seem to open OK.

I kicked off a parity check and its up to 30GB but already has 2798 errors. Would this be expected with the situation i'm in? I would have thought as it copied the files it would have updated the parity so it should have been correct.

Attached is the latest diagnostic logs (no reboots this time). Does anything look dodgy with any of the disks?




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Yeah I will do thanks. At about 50GB it stopped producing sync errors and. Its up to 160GB now with 0 errors in the last 100GB. After this check I will run another one to make sure it comes up with 0 errors. 

Is there anything in the logs saying the Unassigned drive is bad? Is there any reason I shouldn't put it back into the array after this? 

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