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Bad Ram or Just a Bad Usb?

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My server went down yesterday and on my next restart I was getting an error that said  kernel panic -  not syncing vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0 0), I did some quick research and sounded like a bad USB could be the issue so I created a new one. 


After trying to boot from the new USB I started getting a new error message: rip: 0010:panic+0x1e3/0x224  So I did some more research which lead me to do a memtest.  When running that, I got 20 errors on Test 4, see https://imgur.com/Bdbe9au.jpg


Today I went out got a new stick of ram, put it in and it started.  I decided to see if the error was the old Ram so I reinstalled it and tried to start again.  And I got the same error message: rip: 0010:panic+0x1e3/0x224 .  So looks like bad ram let me pull it and start up again without it.  


On the next start, I get the same  error message: rip: 0010:panic+0x1e3/0x224  with only the new stick in.  Now I feel like a dummy.


So I shutdown and run the memtest on just the new RAM, and I get 16 errors this time, on the same test #4.  So I shutdown, pulled the ram, cleaned the pins reseated the RAM and tried to boot again, same  error message: rip: 0010:panic+0x1e3/0x224 


Now I am questioning why I had to try that RAM, WHY?  So I try a new USB again and the server boots up no problem.  I am happy its back on, but is that RAM stick bad or was the problem the USB?


So my question is, could the bad USB be the reason I was failing the Memtest? Or is that RAM bad?  If so why did I get errors on the new stick?

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  • 2 months later...

Yes.  I've run memtest and get errors.  I've tried each module in each slot and get errors in all of them.  I bought new memory and have the same problem with it.  I've concluded it is probably the motherboard and have ordered a replacement.  Hopefully, that solves it for me.

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