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Unraid 6.8 suddenly boots to CLI only - no GUI or webgui

Dan R.

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Hi!  Longtime (Unraid fan and) lurker, first-time poster.  My Unraid instance had been humming along, and then went dark - not sure why.  I could see the Tower login prompt on the host (Intel NUC) display, and was able to log in.  I can ping other hosts on the LAN (and beyond) from the NUC, and it also responds to pings (by IP address) from other hosts on the LAN.  I can ssh into it as well.  I can also (e.g.) open \\[unraid_ip] in Windows.  It shows as empty - not sure if that's normal.  I'm able to reboot from the command line, but so far nothing changes after a restart, even with safe mode selected.


One odd bit.  I was running 6.8, and couldn't update to 6.8.1 - I tried to check for the (available) update from the (working at the time) webgui, but it didn't find an update.  That would have been my next search/topic, but then I couldn't connect to the webgui at all, and here I am.


I don't know what my next steps ought to be, so at this point I thought I'd just shut up and attach syslog.txt.  Happy to provide any other details I can.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to be so long coming back to this!  I managed to dislocate a finger not long after posting, and it's taken a while to get caught up on my typed responses.  :)


The good news is, despite making every possible noob mistake, I'm back up!  I'll add more later, when my typing speed is back up, but in summary:

  • Root Cause:  I had added a Docker container carelessly, which filled my boot drive.  Duh.
  • After cleaning things up, editing my go file, and starting the management utility, I came up in v6.7.2 - which seemed crazy, because I'd been on 6.8, and had been trying to go to 6.8.1.
  • I still don't know how I went from 6.8 to 6.7.2 (with an empty go file), but I was able to upgrade from 6.7.2 to 6.8.1, in the usual way, and nothing seems to have been lost.  My users and shares are still there, same apps installed, no loss of data...

As of right now, I'm up and running on 6.8.2, with no issues detected.  Docker is up and running again, and the current set of containers appear to be well-behaved.  I did manage to learn A LOT about Unraid while putting things right (as one does), so I count that as a win.  🙂


Thanks so much to you both for the support, I really appreciate it.  When I stand on the shoulders of giants, it's your actual (but not literal) shoulders!



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