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"setuser: user plex not found"

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Edit: Follow the below with caution, I've asked Spaceinvader One to review this to make sure it is correct. I'll update this if he does.


Grateful for this thread, as I had the same issue. After watching the Spaceinvader One video linked above, it seemed like switching to the official Plex container was the best and easiest option (that part of the video starts at 13:19, and you don't need to watch the rest).


Here's the tricky part for me, which caused much frustration, so I'll spell it out and hope that it helps someone else. On Spaceinvader One's server, he has all of his movies and tv inside a single user share, like this:

media > movies

media > tv

So that's a user shared named 'media', and inside that are folders named 'movies' and 'tv'. Plex sees that as this path:

/mnt/user/media/  (so that's the path of a user share in unRAID named 'media', as viewed from Plex's perspective)


My shares are organized differently, I have separate user shares for movies and tv, like this:

Movies > subfolders containing movies

TV > subfolders containing TV shows

So Plex sees the path like this:

/mnt/user/Movies   &   /mnt/user/TV

Therein lies the problem, I have multiple paths to map to Plex, not just a single 'media' user share. The key to get this to work is in the 'Host Path 3' settings on the new Plex container (not the old LimeTech one). I've attached a screenshot of my settings, I believe this points Plex to all of your user shares, so that in Plex you can then specify Movies vs TV vs whatever for each library.


What is also confusing is that Plex will display a file's path as starting with /data, even if you don't have any user shares named 'data'. I thought this was an error, but it seems like that is just how Plex works - you specify what path to point to /data (with the Host Path 3 settings), then internally in Plex it will refer to this path as /data going forward. So for example, my Movies library in Plex shows the path /data/Movies, which looks wrong but is actually correct. You can think of this like a shortcut inside of Plex, anytime Plex writes /data it is actually using the full path that you specified, which in my case is /mnt/user. To effectively, /data/Movies is the same thing as /mnt/user/Movies. Confused yet?


Adding to that, if you do end up having to manually remap each of your Plex libraries to the correct folder, as I did, then in Plex you'll look inside the 'data' folder, and find your user shares there.


So I think I've got this working. Unfortunately, since I did it wrong the first time (following Spaceinvader One's settings verbatim), Plex added my library full of broken links, so everything was visible but I couldn't play anything. Now that I've fixed it, I'm running a library scan, which should fix all of the broken links. I'm finding some stuff will play and others are broken, but once the scan finishes I believe everything will be back to normal. Annoying, but still better than losing the whole library and starting over.



correct setting for data path pointing to all user shares.PNG

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On 3/18/2020 at 3:41 PM, Rajahal said:

What is also confusing is that Plex will display a file's path as starting with /data, even if you don't have any user shares named 'data'. I thought this was an error, but it seems like that is just how Plex works - you specify what path to point to /data (with the Host Path 3 settings), then internally in Plex it will refer to this path as /data going forward. So for example, my Movies library in Plex shows the path /data/Movies, which looks wrong but is actually correct. You can think of this like a shortcut inside of Plex, anytime Plex writes /data it is actually using the full path that you specified, which in my case is /mnt/user. To effectively, /data/Movies is the same thing as /mnt/user/Movies. Confused yet?

My setup was the same with /mnt/user/Movies and /mnt/user/TV Shows so I'm glad you posted because I would have been lost after watching Space Invaders video and trying to get my PMS instance to show my media.  This part was so confusing at first I agree.  But all that you worked through Rajahal was the same problems I was facing with my Plex Media Server.  Thanks for the contribution and after I actually started looking around the PMS it actually did make sense.  I'm happy to say my Plex Media Server is now up and running and migrated over to the Plex supported container and My media is accessible just as it's supposed to be.

Edited by DragonPrez
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33 minutes ago, DragonPrez said:

/mnt/Movies and /mnt/TV Shows

I assume you mean /mnt/user/Movies,  etc. 


This isn't really about plex and how plex works. 


It's about how all dockers work. 


The "volume mappings" are just setting up a correspondence between paths on the host and paths within the "virtual space" of the container. 


Just as a location on a road map corresponds to a place in the world. The word "map" probably confuses some, but it is often used like this in other contexts such as mathematics. 


Port mappings are similar. If you understand mappings you are most of the way there to setting up any docker. 

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On 3/18/2020 at 1:41 PM, Rajahal said:

which in my case is /mnt/user

I have 4 or 5 shares I set up for my media: 2 "TV" shares and 2 or 3 "Movies" where between the TV and Movies share I have folders set up to allow me to export them to the plex container as either Read-Only or Read/Write permission.  For example, "TV" share has a "wtv" folder (my migrated recordings from windows media center) which I do not want plex to "accidentally" delete - this is exported as RO. Then I have a "recordings" folder which I allow plex to save TV shows to and that gets exported as RW.


I guess my point is that you can export multiple "Paths" to the plex container rather than your entire user directory. You just add another path when configuring the container and set the host path to your unraid-side media share/folder (i.e. /mnt/user/Movies) and the container path to what you want it to appear as within plex (i.e. /Movies).  You'll then need to configure your Library in plex and tell it to look in "/Movies" for your movie library and repeat for each exported path.


On 3/18/2020 at 1:41 PM, Rajahal said:

What is also confusing is that Plex will display a file's path as starting with /data,

Thats because you exported your directory "/mnt/user/" to the container as "/data", as seen in the screenshot under Container Path.  You can rename it to anything you'd like and that is what it will appear as in plex.


Just my 2 cents about how I have it set up and what can be done

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  • 2 weeks later...

shoot well this didn't work for me. That video was pretty awesome though. AS SOON as I copied the PlexMediaServer folder over it failed............and now come to think of it, I think I had the service turned off........omg I just blew everything away for nothing.......ugh



EDIT: I just downloaded the linuxserver plex again to start from scratch.....at it works....everything is back - what in the actual fork.

Edited by sannitig
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