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USB completly dead, No Key backup

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Let me start by saying I *THOUGH* I had my key backed up, once I replaced it on my new usb drive it gives me a message:

  • "The registered GUID does not match the USB Flash boot device GUID - Trial installations are only valid with the originally registered USB Flash device."

Further inspection appears that I backed up the key from my trial period, and I do not have my key after I purchased Unraid Pro approx 24 months ago.

My origional usb drive, Kingston-DTSE9, is now 100% unreadable, in my unraid machine as well as all of my Window 10 computers. If I try to browse or even format it, it ask me to "Insert USB Device".

Any settings or configs that I have saved, are all on my brilliantly on my unraid drives.

I've read everything I can on this topic on the forums and places like google/reddit, and from what I can tell is that I am required to reach out to Unraid at this point.


Additional Information:

My build - https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/user/Pop006/saved/#view=HH4f99

I had 1 parity, 1 cache, and 9 data drives - I have all serial numbers and device locations saved in a text file.

Like I said I have my trial key if that is of any use, as well as my Flash GUID/Registered GUID.

My USB died approximately 2 days ago, At first I could access my shares and dockers from other deveices, but could not access the web-gui. After a reset nothing would work.

Thank you in advance!

Edited by markD182
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From here


Send email to [email protected]  and include something they can use to identify your account (Registered GUID / Email etc).


Consider keeping a backup folder outside of the array with periodic flash / diagnostics backups (including your key file which is in the

tower-flash-backup.zip ==> config folder ==> Basic/Plus/Pro.key file ). Here is what mine looks like, I'll clean it up once a year or so....


Backup Folder.PNG

Edited by Dissones4U
added info
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Support has been emailed with all the info I have.

I thought I had the right key saved safely in my email, but turns out it was the trial key labeled wrong.

I may have had a backup of the entire USB/Key on my old PC, but I built a new PC this xmas past and wasn't smart enough to update key backups, again my bad.

Going on 2 years as a user and first time I messed up that I couldn't fix it myself. Thank you guys for your help, I believe this will be all I require from the thread and will certainly learn my lesson for making better backups. I already bought 2 idential USB's and intend on doing 1:1's of them periodically along with better off-unraid back-ups!

Thanks again


Update: support has replied to my email with a working key, in less than 14 minutes. Super quick

Edited by markD182
Update on email
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14 minutes ago, markD182 said:

Support has been emailed with all the info I have.

I thought I had the right key saved safely in my email, but turns out it was the trial key labeled wrong.

I may have had a backup of the entire USB/Key on my old PC, but I built a new PC this xmas past and wasn't smart enough to update key backups, again my bad.

Going on 2 years as a user and first time I messed up that I couldn't fix it myself. Thank you guys for your help, I believe this will be all I require from the thread and will certainly learn my lesson for making better backups. I already bought 2 idential USB's and intend on doing 1:1's of them periodically along with better off-unraid back-ups!

Thanks again

No worries Mark. You should be good to go. Thanks for choosing Unraid!

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46 minutes ago, markD182 said:

I already bought 2 idential USB's and intend on doing 1:1's of them periodically along with better off-unraid back-ups!

FYI: this won't help you in the primary USB dies, as you will still get the "The registered GUID does not match the USB Flash boot device GUID" error. However, you can then transfer the license to the new USB painlessly in the GUI. If you were to swap USBs after cloning it. you'd see what I mean.

You won't need identical USBs, as they can't be identical due to the GUID. so when you replace them again, you won't need to go through the trouble of getting identical ones ( and possibly mixing them up)

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