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Companion - An Android App for UNRAID


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Just pushed another update for some new features I was able to do over the weekend:


### 1.6 ###

- [New] Pull down to refresh

- [New] Start, Stop, Pause and Resume all Docker Containers

- [New] Start and Stop all Virtual Machines

- Display warning when user connects to server without a password.

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Hi there, 


I am really interested in this nice looking app. At the moment I am using ControlR for Unraid and use it mostly for checking the logs and disk statistics. 


Question about the companion app is, can I use it to check my system logs?


Really like the layout off the app by the way, nice work  ;-))

Edited by Unraid_for_life
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1 hour ago, IanB said:

>Question about the companion app is, can I use it to check my system logs?


@Unraid_for_life Not at the moment, but will take a look at how i'd be able to include this. I also wanted to add Docker logs too, so that's on my list



That would be so awesome if you could do that. Like I said, I would love to use your app, especially because I really like the layout and so on, but the functionality of looking @ the logs is what I'm missing at the moment. If you're able to implement that, I'm gonna use your app for sure. Keep up the good work and thanks for you're update

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Just pushed another update to the store, so will hopefully be available soon:


### 1.7 ###

- [New] Dark Mode support.

- [New] Dedicated settings screen.

- [New] Display CPU temperature (requires System Temp plugin).

- [New] Display status of Array (started or stopped).

- Periodically update displayed temperatures.


For those who love Dark Mode, here's some screenshots of what the theme looks like...



  • Thanks 2
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I managed to make some further changes over the weekend, so pushed another small update to the store this morning:


### 1.8 ###

- [New] Dashboard Notification support.

- [New] Open Docker container web user interface.

- Display app version in Settings.

- Fix default theme preference to follow system.

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And just pushed another small update to the store today. It depends on Google Play as to how long it will take before it's available for everyone...


### 1.9 ###

- [New] GPU Plugin support.

- [New] Docker log support.

- Filter our dashboard data that isn't available (e.g. UPS).

- Fix cosmetic issue when using forced Dark Mode theme.

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Bought!  (settings say version 1.9 (1) )  Thank you for this.  This is a very nice effort, and I love the simplicity and clarity.


I am not seeing motherboard and CPU temps for some reason, although they display fine in the web UI.  I have Dynamix System Temperature already up and running (up to date), also running Unraid 6.8.3 currently.  Drive temps report just fine on the Disks page, as do the UPS stats on the Dashboard.  Let me know if you need any info.  Thanks.



Edited by S80_UK
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@S80_UK - Thanks for the support, I appreciate it! Would also love if you left an (honest) review too, if you get a sec.


>settings say version 1.9 (1)


That's a bug, the version is 1.9 but it should be pulling in the VERSION_CODE properly but instead it's just getting 1. I'll look into it.


>I am not seeing motherboard and CPU temps for some reason, although they display fine in the web UI.


That was reported by another user on an older version of the app. I had hoped that it was resolved but guess not. If you're able to send me logs via Settings > Send feedback then I may be able to diagnose what's going wrong.


Thanks in advance



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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Daigurren69 said:

This is probably the most noob question but how do I even connect using this? I thought I put in the IP address of my server and it says I cant connect. What do I have to configure first before this?


As long as things are working, you should enter the IP address of your server (the same one as you use for accessing the web dashboard) along with the username and password you are configured to connect with it. That "should" be everything you need as that will make the client talk to your server. Are you doing this and just seeing an error?

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1 hour ago, IanB said:


As long as things are working, you should enter the IP address of your server (the same one as you use for accessing the web dashboard) along with the username and password you are configured to connect with it. That "should" be everything you need as that will make the client talk to your server. Are you doing this and just seeing an error?

I am doing this and get a server connection failed. I am putting in the IP and the correct root+password. Do I need to add a port to it? 

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@Daigurren69 - I'm sorry you're having issues connecting. From the sounds of it, you're doing everything right 🤔You only need to add a port explicitly if you've configured your server on a non-default port. If you haven't configured it differently on the server, it should "just work".


If you want to send me a message from the app (Settings > Send feedback), it will create an email for you, attach some application logs and pre-populate my email address. If you send me those, i'll take a look to try and understand what's happening and we can follow up directly via email.



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@bastl - Sorry, I should have given more details. After reading your suggestion, I implemented it and should be available in the next public release (thanks for suggesting it!). I have it working but am also considering whether I should add something to auto-lock the app after it's been backgrounded, etc.



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Sorry it's been a while since the last release, things are a little more hectic right now 😅Just pushed a new version to the store, so will hopefully be available soon...


### 1.10 ###

- [New] Biometric application lock.

- Fix build number not included in App Version.

- Actually fix UPS being displayed even when one is not configured.

- Fix missing temperature data.

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Thanks for the quick feature implementation. 👍


Do you have any plans to add a function to show VM specific log files in the future and maybe the system log? AND again another feature request, i know, I'am annoying sometimes, but maybe if you have to much time to spend, have a look into the Corsair PSU statistic plugin. This adds a widget on the dashboard with the stats for the PSU. With this the app for me would be 100% complete. I swear, no more feature requests. 😂



If I can provide you some help, let me know.

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