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Eth0 transmit counters errors

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Eth0 errors info is showing 1076 errors under the transmit counters, and 0 errors on the receive counters .

Eth0 is running at 100 mbs and not at 1000 mb speeds. I have been doing a lot of reading in the forums and most have said it is the cables or the switch. I have a new switch and have built several cat5e cables, one meter long, type a and b.  I have unplugged the cable and inspected the wires in the nic and all is well.  I am using a 4 nic Asus server mother board and 1st port is for unraid and the other 3 have been hidden and being used for pfsense vm. All 3 pfsense ports are at gig speeds. 


attached is sys log 




Thanks for your help



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You need to post the full diagnostics.


But, it's not so much how many errors, but what percentage of errors.   Errors on networks happen.  The whole thing is designed to handle it.  If you're looking at 0.0001% then it's really no big deal.


4 minutes ago, dawhit said:

Eth0 is running at 100 mbs and not at 1000 mb speeds.

Assuming that everything is working properly, and you're not connected to a 100mbps switch, then odds on its definitely the cable.  And that might have been what caused the errors in the first place.


5 minutes ago, dawhit said:

inspected the wires

Under the assumption that you're using a cable tester thats < $100, then the only thing that they tell you is that if it fails the cable, then the cable is definitely bad.  It does not mean that the cable is good.  There is a reason why real cable testers cost $1500+


Beyond that, all the usual suspects apply.  Having the runs tied to power lines / water pipes, and god forbid using tie straps too tight.

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