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Network problems with one server but not the other

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I built an unraid server and it's been running great the past 6 years. My friend built one and I helped a little on it but it's having issues. I've got it at my house now trying to help fix some issues.


The big thing I noticed is when I was trying to do things like just install CA apps and such things would fail half the time. Trying to install new docker containers are also failing half the time with just downloading the content. I thought it might be the NIC built into the motherboard but I just bought a new NIC PCI card, installed it, and switched the connection to it, and I am still getting the same issues. I ran a ping google.com on my friends server and I see 65% packet loss while running the ping on my server at the same time i get 0% packet loss.


I've got both servers with the same network settings, other than they have different IPv4 addresses assigned to not overlap. I've tried using the exact same ethernet cable that was going to my server to verify it wasn't the cable, or the port it connected to on my switch.


Any ideas for other things I can try for why this server is getting so much packet loss?


edit: clarified i added new NIC card, not replaced motherboard

Edited by nickkarma
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1 hour ago, Squid said:

Does it make any difference if you set DNS addresses of and

Nope doesn't seem to. My server (working fine) was pointed to my router at initially and so was this problem server. My server works fine pointed to my router, so I tried the ones with the problem server and still got the issue. Just tried these two DNS as well and still getting high packet loss when doing a ping google.com. Here was results from 100 pings:


--- google.com ping statistics ---
100 packets transmitted, 56 received, 44% packet loss, time 104833ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 20.381/20.899/21.551/0.238 ms

Edited by nickkarma
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