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Traktarr Help?

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The following is just quick notes on how to setup Traktarr on unraid to integrate with existing media management tools like radarr. It has been tested using instructions found at the Traktarr Dockerhub and Github pages:





Goto Apps tab on Unraid and search for Traktarr


Click Install - accept defaults in config page, then click Apply


While its installing, open another browser window and visit https://trakt.tv


Sign up for an account (or skip this step if you already have one)


Click on the following link to create a new trakt app: https://trakt.tv/oauth/applications/new


If prompted to login, do so and then you should arrive at the ‘Create a Trakt API’ page


Give a name to the new app, for example 'Traktarr'


Give a description in the description box if you want like ‘Traktarr for automated downloads’


In the ‘Redirect uri’ box, type: 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'


Click Save App and you will be presented with app ClientID and Client Secret - make a note of these


The traktarr docker you installed on Unraid should be up and running by now. From the docker page, left click on the traktarr docker and start it if it isn’t already running

Left click and select 'Console' and perform the following commands in the console terminal


cd /config

vi config.json


The configuration file for Tracktarr will open. (This is the default configuration page that ships with Traktarr and is configured for automated downloads - more complex configurations can be found on the Traktarr github page , if you want them.) Goto the bottom of the page and enter the Client ID and Client Secret details like shown below:


"trakt": {
"client_id": "af55948dgk3049afb7cb3r9584393622064148f65be0f54533364a5c8014d042",
"client_secret": "210wqkkto4324402a43393999e4ffkr49583ab29e0b84f7d5514884169eb98"


While you have the file open, enter the API key for your Radarr and Sonarr instances, which you can find in ‘Settings’ > ‘General’ of the respective GUI’s. Also enter the quality profile you want and the root folder where Radarr stores your content


For example:

"radarr": {
"api_key": "rt594dyyo4059gvlgk455959gvkfl2wwj49",
"minimum_availability": "released",
"quality": "HD-1080", (make sure you put an existing quality profile you want traktarr to use)
"root_folder": "/plexdata/media/movies/", (make sure you put the correct path to your media here)
"url": "http://unraid:7878/" (make sure you put the correct hostname or IP of your Unraid server here}


 Do the same for Sonarr if you want to use traktarr for TV shows as well. (If you do not want TV content and are only interested in movies, then near the top of the file, under ‘shows’, switch the ‘interval’ value to 0


Check the other aspects of the file and make sure they reflect your preferences. For example the blacklisted minimum and maximum years etc.

Once ready, save the file (on vi, you do this by typing :wq)


Run the following command in console terminal:


traktarr trakt_authentication


Traktarr will connect to trakt and wait for you to activate the connection. The console will display an activation code, (as shown below) make a note of this:


__ /________ | | / |___ _______| | _ __ __ \ | |/ /\ _ \ __ _ __ | | | | // __ | < | | / __ | | /| | /|| || ( /| \ || ( /| ||/ / /


Author: l3uddz



Part of the Cloudbox project:


GNU General Public License v3.0


2021-10-02 03:54:36,822 - INFO - media.trakt - __oauth_request_device_code - We're talking to Trakt to get your verification code. Please wait a moment...{'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'trakt-api-version': '2', 'trakt-api-key': 'dc73c189d540afb7cb3b9b1b6a3c7622064148f65be0f54533364a5c8014d042'}2021-10-02 03:54:38,385 - INFO - media.trakt - __oauth_request_device_code - Go to: https://trakt.tv/activate on any device and enter W69XDR75. We'll be polling Trakt every 5 seconds for a reply


The console will now wait for you to activate the authentication request youve sent. Visit the following link to activate: https://trakt.tv/activate - enter the code you obtained from the console.


Click ‘Yes’ to allow tracktarr to use your account.


The track.tv UI should tell you that tracktarr has been added. This will also be confirmed on the console, with the console no longer waiting for you to activate.


Restart traktarr using the docker page on Unraid.


Then left click on traktarr and click logs


Make sure there are no errors reported in the log and check at the botom of the log when the next run is scheduled.


If the next scheduled run is more than a minute or two away, run tracktarr manually for an initial run by opening the console for traktarr from the Unraid docker page and entering the following command:


traktarr run --run-now


Traktarr should fire up and start loading radarr with content to download (make sure radarr is configured to use a download client to connect and download content)


Check the Activity Queue in Radarr to see items being added to radarr by traktarr.


Check your download clients (NZBGET, qBitTorrent, etc) to see if items are being added.


Check again at the next scheduled run time to see if anything new has been added.


The above should not be used to download copyrighted content.

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