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HighPoint RocketRaid 620 PCIe 2.0 x 1 SATA III (6.0Gbps) supported? for 3.0Tb


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This card is shipped with the WD 3.0 Tb drives (see eg: http://www.legitreviews.com/article/1442/1/ or  http://hothardware.com/Reviews/Western-Digital-Caviar-Green-3TB-Hard-Drive-Review/?page=2 ).


Is this card supported? The 3.0 Tb drives are then not so expensive:


WD20EARS : 82.5 euro -> 4.12 eurocent/Gb

WD30EZRSDTL : 210 euro - price HBA (approx 40 euro) -> 5.7 eurocent/Gb


I need a new controller card anyway. The MB sata connectors are used up.


It would be nice to know in advance if these cards are supported, since I need to buy 2 drives (parity + 1 data).


If the HBA is supported, is there then any reason why unraid would not support 3Tb drives?


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If I recall I remember reading that RocketRaid wasn't supported and I've also read that 3TB isn't currently supported with unRAID.


Wait a minute, unRAID doesn't support 3TB drives? This entire time I have been thinking it does. I actually just bought a Plus license for $69. Is this confirmed?


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I am not positive as I have not seen any reports of anyone really trying it, but from what I know of unRAID the 3TB drive will probably not work.


There is only 1 manufacturer that is currently selling 3TB drives to consumers and we have no idea what the others are going to do and when.


There are a number of things that have to change for 3TB drives to work and not all of them can be tested.

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Wait a minute, unRAID doesn't support 3TB drives?


Most likely the hardware you currently have does not support 3TB drives either.


You will need one of the few and rare SATA controller cards that has been tested and confirmed to support 3TB drives. This is why one of the 3TB manufacturer includes a card with their drive. However, other 3TB manufacturers do not include a SATA controller card. It's also unknown if that controller card will work with all of the 3TB drives from the different manufacturers as not all drive makers have released their > 2TB drives. This still has to shake out on the hardware support front.


I would not worry, as > 2TB drive support is slated for the 5.1 series which ideally will begin development within the next 3 months. The current roadmap is to quickly release the 5.0 beta 3, then move onto 5.0 Release Candidates to finalize that series. After that is done, then the 5.1 series development occurs.

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What is the largest drive unRAID can support?


For all versions of unRAID to date, it is limited by the largest drive that can be defined in an MBR.  (2.1TB)

This is the exact same limit for all OS that use an MBR to define disk partitioning.



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