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Rm -frd crashing unraid

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Recently I have taken to the task of cleaning up my array after ten years in operation... 


During that time the array has expanded to 50.5 tbs on 8 drive array + parity... And also multiple different plex docker installs...


Getting to the points to where I'm happy with where I am with plex... But when trying to clean up old plex docker installs... Unraid stalls and is unresponsive after five to ten mins after issuing the command rm -rfd ./* 


When it becomes unresponsive plex sab... The whole thing is gummed up... Even some ports start to close as a result...


This has left me to clean a little at a time vs all at once... Is this something that is common or...

Edited by mathomas3
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1 hour ago, BRiT said:

What directory is "./" referring to?


that's when im in the share folder for the old plex files... ie...


cd /mnt/disk1/plex/PlexServer/ 

rm -rfd ./*


the ./  means... from current position... it's a relative command vs absolute an absolute command would be rm -rfd /mnt/disk1/plex/PlexServer/    

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2 hours ago, mathomas3 said:

rm -rfd /mnt/disk1/plex/PlexServer/ 

And, if that sample is representative of your system, now you're trying to delete potentially hundreds of thousands of files on a (presumably) parity protected array with it's performance impact unless you enable turbo write mode (reconstruct write)

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8 hours ago, mathomas3 said:

Recently I have taken to the task of cleaning up my array after ten years in operation... 

Have you migrated all drives to XFS or BTRFS at some point? If you are still using ReiserFS then basically you are experiencing normal behaviour.


Deleting large numbers of files is slow in the best of circumstances, with ReiserFS it's basically impossible.

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all but one of my disks are XFS... i will just proceed to do the work in small batches... I was just a bit surprised that using that command would stall the system rather then slow it down... 


Also my RAM has been running hot of recent... I have 8gig ram running UnRaid with 3 dockers... and recently I have been running 80-90% Ram usage... I ordered 16gigs more to correct this... and also my Ryzen 5 3200g gets pegged at 100%(according to the Dashboard while plex disagrees with this) Is my CPU needing an upgrade as well? I will be moving everything into a new Define 7 XL soon(when the trays are finally for sale... been waiting 2 months now)


Also in the market for some HDDs... when I started UnRaid I was using normal desktop HDDS (5tb and 6tb drives) and had HIGH drive failure rate.... Since switching to WD Red drives... that number has gone down drastically... but I am once again thinking of trying "Chucking" a couple 12tb drives... thoughts on this? I figure I can get 2 12tb drives for a little more then one Red 8tb drive...

Edited by mathomas3
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