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Restore Dockers after USB Flash Replacement

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I accidentally damaged my usb flash drive and replaced it.  Once I get my license issue resolved what's the best way to restore my dockers.

Just before my flash drive was damaged, I was in the process of replacing my cache drive, I backed up the app data via the community plugin backup/restore. When I was opening up my server to replace the drive, I accidently hit the back of the server..or more specifically hit the flash drive which broke it.  I never backed up my flash drive but have an older copy of it which has the config folder...which may be a bit out of date....should I start from scratch or copy that folder over?


Do I start up the server and assign the new drive to the cache, then start the array?

Then do a restore of my app data using the community plugin back up and restore? 

After that should I go to the install previous plugs and reinstall all my dockers?  


Not sure the exact process.  


I have an older copy

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If you were using the appdata backup plugin, then odds on you were also using it to create a backup of the flash drive.  To restore the docker apps, you technically only require the appdata back, but ideally you also want the contents of /config/plugins/dockerMan/ from the flash back and restore that onto the replacement flash.

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Oddly enough I didn't back up the flash drive.  I selected no for flash when I did the backup.  I'm kicking myself for not selecting yes.   


Anyhow I'm sort of backup.  My new ssd cache drive is coming up 

Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout


Not sure what how to resolve this....any idea?


Edit: Nevermind, just noticed I didnt' scroll down far enough...formatting it now..

Edited by DigitalDivide
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Ran into a slight problem.  Previous to replacing my cache drive and damaging my usb flash I did a backup of my appdata via community backup and restore. When I now go into Restore to restore my appdata, it doesn't show up. How do I restore the appdata? Can I just manually copy it over or does it have to be done via restore?

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