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[SOLVED] First powerloss - first warnings - need for action?

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Hi there,


yesterday I got my first powerloss since using unRAID.

After restore of the power unRAID booted up well and started immediately - as predicted - with the check of the parity drive.

Until that - everythings fine.


But within the time while it checks the parity I got 4 messages

  • Warning: udma crc error count is 1 for drive: WDC_WD40EFRX-68N32N0_WD-WCC7K7ALAKTU (sdf)
  • Warning: udma crc error count is 3 for drive: WDC_WD40EFRX-68N32N0_WD-WCC7K7ALAKTU (sdf)
  • Warning: udma crc error count is 4 for drive: WDC_WD40EFRX-68N32N0_WD-WCC7K7ALAKTU (sdf)
  • Warning: udma crc error count is for drive: WDC_WD40EFRX-68N32N0_WD-WCC7K7ALAKTU (sdf)


WDC_WD40EFRX-68N32N0_WD-WCC7K7ALAKTU (sdf) --> thats my parity drive!


And finally I got this mail

Event: Unraid Parity check
Subject: Notice [V1EW-S0URCE] - Parity check finished (0 errors)
Description: Duration: 8 hours, 8 minutes, 21 seconds. Average speed: 136.5 MB/s
Importance: normal


This behavior leads me to the following questions:

- Why there is no message for "udma crc error count is 2" ... when every other single error (1,3,4,5) pushes a single mail?

It's not consistent in my opinion... 


- Do I need to do anything now?

This process of saying "warning, warning, warning" and then "Parity check finished - 0 errors" confuses me. 

Whats now? Warning error -- or everything ok?!?

IMHO i cant say "warning" and after all i say "everythings fine" ...

Edited by Maddeen
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CRC errors are connection issues and are normally recovered automatically.    You need to note that the count never gets reset to zero so you only want to get worried if it keeps increasing.  You probably want to click on the orange icon against the drive on the Dashboard and hit the acknowledge option so that you only get further notifications for CRC errors on that drive if it changes.   If the CRC count does keep increasing you want to carefully check the power/SATA cables to the drive as cabling issues is the commonest cause of CRC errors.

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ok - thanks for your reply. Time to calm down for me :)

I don't have orange icons on my dashboard. Everything looks fine ... so I'll have a look on it in the next days. 


Those CRC errors appear the first time since my unRAID start (over a month ago)

In this time the server was never touched or moved or anything else - and the parity drive is nearly new (bought 6-8 weeks ago)

Maybe it was just a hickup... because I cant imagine how suddenly cabling issues can appear when I dont even touch the server :)




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2 hours ago, Maddeen said:

yesterday I got my first powerloss since using unRAID.

After restore of the power unRAID booted up well and started immediately - as predicted - with the check of the parity drive.

If your UPS is configured properly, Unraid should shut down automatically before the battery dies so you don't have an unclean shutdown. Killing the power on a running server can cause all sorts of issues, including data corruption.


If you don't have a UPS, you need to get one ASAP. It's a requirement that the server has clean constant power. If your utility doesn't provide uninterrupted power, it's on you to fill that gap.

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@jonathanm - sorry, my bad. I forgot to precise.

The powerloss was iniciated by myself because unraid became unresponsive and I doesn't saw another solution than hitting the reset button of my case. :(

Otherwise my UPS (a simple APC Back-UPS Pro 550) can hold the power for about 2-3 minutes - enough to shut the system down properly 

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20 minutes ago, Maddeen said:

@jonathanm - sorry, my bad. I forgot to precise.

The powerloss was iniciated by myself because unraid became unresponsive and I doesn't saw another solution than hitting the reset button of my case. :(

Otherwise my UPS (a simple APC Back-UPS Pro 550) can hold the power for about 2-3 minutes - enough to shut the system down properly 

One thing to try before doing it a quick (~1 second) push of the power switch.  If Unraid is responsive at any level, that should start a clean shutdown.  If that does not work, whatever your next action is will result an unclean shutdown.

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@Frank1940 - ahh thanks for that hint.
So its nearly like the "go-to-sleep-behavior" of Windows... but - if I understand it correctly - unRAID will do a clean shutdown when pressing the power button? 


And while we talking about, a got another idea, if your tip wont work.

I can simply remove the power of my UPS to force a clean shutdown base on this UPS settings, right? 


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6 hours ago, Maddeen said:

I can simply remove the power of my UPS to force a clean shutdown base on this UPS settings, right? 

As long as you leave the ground leg of the UPS connected, sure. Don't just yank the cord out of the wall, as that can have unexpected and sometimes disastrous consequences.  A large percentage of the time people get away with it, but if it bites you, it bites big.


Remove power to the circuit without unplugging, that way all the connected equipment still has a common ground reference. Tripping the breaker, turning off the outlet, whatever, as long as the cord is still plugged in.

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