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unraid on motherboard's microsd

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6 minutes ago, emrepolat7 said:

Hi Guys;

I have a HPE server which has motherboard with a microsd slot. I searched the forum whether it can be unraid booted (& licensed) from microsd card. All I found was regarding microsd usb card readers. 


Can I buy unraid license and use on motherboard microsd? 



It depends on whether the card reader has a unique GUID or not. Impossible to know without actually owning the product.

You probably are better off assume "No".


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IF it works, then your license would be tied to the motherboard.


Can't hurt to try, you will have to follow the directions to manually install Unraid onto the flash. When you boot it and try to register your trial install it will let you know if it can't be licensed.


I'm kind of betting that it won't work at all though.

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14 minutes ago, sota said:

the real test will come when/if you need to change the SD card.

I don't think there will be a problem with that. sd card  or usb, we will have to change it sometime for some reason someday. If I remember correctly, we have the right to change it 1 or 2 times a year.  On the other hand, if the registration is based on my motherboard than I also do not need to worry about that :)

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