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not all my Shares showing up in windows

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last few days  unraid been acting weird on 2 of my servers different things on each one


but this one really messed

if i type  \\tower     i only get 1 File folder to show up in windows  and it takes time for it to load too (green bar goes across the screen in file explorer slowly)

if i type  \\    i see all my folders instantly (roughly 20 folders)


have you guys run into an issue like this or know how to fix it or where else to look

Edited by comet424
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Tower and mitchflix  i have other unraid servers   but they seem to be working not issues


Tower    (\\tower  shows up 1 Share Folder)  (\\  shows all the folders no issues)

mitchflix    (this one is having issues  of unraid rebooting on its own   and it doesnt have parity    just randomly reboots  at times  and no errors  just started in teh past week i noticed  )


both unraid servers i also noticed  randomy  Dockers shut themselves off  too  

Edited by comet424
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May we assume that none of the other servers you have are named 'Tower'.  (In fact, I would suggest that you have a look at your router and see what the static and lease names.  Check to see that their IP addresses are shown are what you think they are.) 

3 hours ago, comet424 said:

both unraid servers i also noticed  randomy  Dockers shut themselves off  too  

Are you saying that this server has another problem?   (Let's not get two servers with different problems in the same thread.)


I would suggest that you post up the Diagnostics file.   Tools  >>>  Diagnostics 


PS---  May I ask a favor?   That you use punctuation and capital letters at the beginning of sentences.  I makes it so much easier for us to read your phrases. 

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i already commented in the other unraid form for the other server for Random Unraid reboots...  as other people are experiencing Unraid randomy rebooting on them.., but you were the one asking about the names of the 2 servers that there acting up..  this topic is just for the 1 server..   and the other server i mentioned about hopefully someone has answers in the other form......


as for puncuation etc..  good luck i have dislexia, and other disorders,  id have someone proof read before sending it.    But ill try my best.


as for server names.. they fine..  Backupserver,mikeflix,mitchflix, and tower...  and the   issue of the Tower  only happened in last couple days..  its been running not bad for the past 2 yrs..


the Tower,Backupserver,Mitchflix, and Mikeflix Unraids all have static IPs.


Tower (   when doing "\\tower"  it only shows 1 of the Share Roots. and only shows 1 file folder inside that Root share

when i do  "\\" For Tower,  it shows all my Share roots and my other folders in the 1 its only displaying  when i do \\tower


and here is diagnostic file..  it took alot longer to make it for some reason..


and if you see any other errors  in there let me know so i can fix them too.. that i havent noticed



Hopefully that Helps you..   also there are no common errors either  from running Common fix


Edited by comet424
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I did not see anything obvious.   However, in the   libvert.txt   log file, there are some errors with the   Windows Server 2016 (Web Server) VM that probably need to be addressed at some point. 


You do have 57 shares and that is a lot of shares.  There appear to be some shares that are copies of other shares.  Example below:



It does bring to mind one thought.  Try spinning up all of the array drives before you try accessing the server with Windows Explorer.  (You can do this  Main  >>>   Array Operation  and you will see the 'Spin up' and 'Spin down'  buttons.)   (Another thought, the client PC is Windows 10?  If not, what is the client running?)


Try to see if accessing the server using the \\IP address first has a different behavior than  \\Tower.


I see that you are using the Cache Directories plugin.  You do have to be a bit careful with this plugin.  If you try to cache too many files, it can have some strange behavior.  (I do use Cache Directories but I only attempt to cache information on about 1100 files.)  I would also like to suggest that you turn it off and see if that affects the behavior.


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what does the log file say the errors are ?  i think that is one of the vms that doesnt work anymore  i had issues with my webserver  so i have done a few reinstall vms.. maybe that is one of them..

i counted the shares.. it shows only 39 and a few of them  i have are just temporay  i copied files off bad array disk  so i be dropping some..    how do you see those shares.. when i goto  "Shares"  i only counted 39, and some of those are temporary for now..



ok i can try the spin up..     and yes im using Windows 10 as the client  


well like i mentioned if i do   \\  (tower)  it populates instantly...  but if i do  \\tower   it takes time sometimes doesnt work  i have to do it a second time  but then all it does it shows  one of my Shares  from the 39..  but  doing \\  populates them instantly


ya i using the cache directories plugin i honestly dont know if its working really  as it seems fast for the first or 2nd  subfolders but then slow as molasses after..  i not sure how many files its caching  i just installed it and left it as the default


i was hoping  since i have 32gb  of ram   it would load the whole thing into ram,,

but ill try turning it off..


i know i use a program called Virtual DJ  as i dj  play music off the array and i find it locks up  and even accessing the files is an issue.. so i moved the files in Tower  under 1 drive under an ussasigned drive...  but still find issues ..


and i noticed the system log i got a sdd  the unassigned drive error.. but there is no smart errors i checked drive so not sure what that is

Jul 11 17:13:50 Tower kernel: print_req_error: I/O error, dev sdd, sector 98099912


what is that error.. 

and how do i find duplicate shares  as "Common Fixes" didnt find no issues   but ill try turning off the cache directories and see 

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7 minutes ago, comet424 said:

i counted the shares.. it shows only 39 and a few of them  i have are just temporay  i copied files off bad array disk  so i be dropping some..    how do you see those shares.. when i goto  "Shares"  i only counted 39, and some of those are temporary for now..

Look in the Diagnostics file that you uploaded. You will find folders in it.  Drill down and you will find the Shares folder. 


9 minutes ago, comet424 said:

what does the log file say the errors are ?  i think that is one of the vms that doesnt work anymore 

Look in the logs folder of the Diagnostics file.  

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i deleted the one vm  in the lib file


now i had to redownload the diagnostic file without the anyomous option..

i looked at the shares..  but there are a bunch that dont exisit..  i tried  Bin-Krusader and checked each Disk... those first few shares dont exist in there


where else would these shares be?  so thats messed it up.. its finding shares that dont actually exisit anymore they were deleted long ago  or should have been 

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i found the cfgs  on the flash drive..  can i just delete the folder?  and will unraid re add to flash drive ..


update.. i ended up shutting down unraid pulled the usb  and renamed teh shares folder..  

now i re installed  it booted up.. ya got some errors for the cache settings  etc

fixing thos


i  still cant do  \\tower   only 1 share shows up  i cant even get  tower/  (in the browser to work)  which is weird  but  works  but ya cant get damn shares to work doing \\tower  but i can do the other server names  like mitchflix/    backupserver/   in the browser   just not  tower/    


here's a new diagnostic file if you see anything else



Edited by comet424
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2 hours ago, comet424 said:

i found the cfgs  on the flash drive..  can i just delete the folder?  and will unraid re add to flash drive ..

You should be able to find a list of the 'shares' using the GUI under the Share tab.  A 'user share' is actually is actually the name of any folder/directory that is in the root of any array data drive or cache drive.  Yes, you can create a share using the GUI but that action will actually just create the directory.  (You can also create a share with Windows Explorer if you have enable the Disk Shares by accessing a disk through that path. )


Have you installed the Dynamix Local Master plugin.  If so, what is the name of the computer that is the Local Master.  Settings  >>>  SMB   >>>   Workgroup Settings           It is best if the Local Master is a Unraid server that is on 24-7.   


The \\tower is resolved by the Local Master to be \\IP_address.  In other words, the Local Master is the DNS server for the SMB network. 


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ya like i mentioned  "shares" showed only 39 shares  the Bin-Krusader had 39 shares... but the FLASH   /config/shares  had 57 shares shares of shares that no longer existed..  it didnt delete the ones that dont exisit  anymore..  so i had to manually erased them


so what i ment  was is it ok to Erased  FLASH\config\Shares     so what i did was shut down unraid  took out the usb  and renamed  config\shares\ to !oldshares  and then shoved the USB  back into unraid and booted it back up.. as i couldnt deleted it in krusader.. when i renamed flash config\shares in krusader and then did a reboot  so it force it to redue the shares it resaved all 57 shares   thats include the ones that dont exisit..  


so the shares are now 33    guess unraid had a glitch and doesnt know to delete the shares(cfg) from the Flash drive when they no longer exisit on the array or so...  


as for the local master plugin  no  never heard of it  but ill try it now.. so why would unraid suddenly stop working like it..   shouldnt  the other 3 unraids have the same problme  ...  but ill try it now  and get back to you


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so i installed it  and went to bottom of smb page  its say my backupserver is the master   but how is that possible  

this is confusing

and the server is Tower... but you mentioned  the local master is its own dns server... well i use PFsense as a DNS server does that mean its not working right for unraid.. or does unraid have an issue?   as my dns  is


Edited by comet424
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so i stopped and started the array 

doesnt work  still cant do  in browser   tower/  and if i do  \\tower  in the file explorer i only see the 1 folder

so the local master didnt fix that problem 😞

still does the what i showed above picture  1 folder for \\tower  everything for \\  and in browser works  tower/    fails in the browser


but   backupserver/  mitchflix/  work fine  the 4th one is under a different subnet but works by IP 

soo local master didnt solve it 😞  so what does it actually do in unraid


oh and "tower"  is 24/7 days a week i usually reboot unraid maybe ever 3-4 weeks  unless i have to..  so its always on  and the dns server is

Edited by comet424
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5 hours ago, comet424 said:

so i installed it  and went to bottom of smb page  its say my backupserver is the master   but how is that possible  

this is confusing

and the server is Tower... but you mentioned  the local master is its own dns server... well i use PFsense as a DNS server does that mean its not working right for unraid.. or does unraid have an issue?   as my dns  is



see here for what I said:

8 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

In other words, the Local Master is the DNS server for the SMB network. 

PFsense is/maybe(?) the DNS server for the WAN. That is, the Internet.   The Local Master does the same thing for the SMB (Samba) network which is only on your LAN.  They are actually two different things!  See here for an MS explanation:



And one that I put together:




Below is a complete thread on SMB problems that was started back in 2016:




You should read the first couple of pages to get a favor of things.  What I have found with SMB over the years is if you find a workaround to an SMB problem-- use it!


I just downloaded and checked your Network configuration for this server.  You have set a static IP address for this server.  Just use the IP address in Windows Explorer rather than the server name. If you can't remember the IP Address, setup a shortcut to this server on your desktop. 


You can do this by entering the \\IP Address on the Address bar. Hit enter and you will see something like this:


Put your cursor over the IP address (circled), left-click, drag it to the desktop and create a shortcut there by releasing the mouse button.  You can rename the shortcut to anything you want.


By the way, I have used workarounds in the past.  In fact a still have one on my desktop that will get to any of SMB computers on my Network.  (It is a folder with shortcuts in it that were made the same way as I described above.)   I used it when MS did one of their security updates that broke Network Discovery for a while.  I just never removed it because I figure MS will do it again some day...


Edited by Frank1940
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ah ok  ill check the links..

also i know about the ip address.. remember i sent pics  if you type   \\   shows all the shares   if i do \\tower  it only shows 1 share and partially


so my question is.. whats wrong with this unraid.. why did this break this week only  and the other 3 are running fine


ya i use DNS server for my VPN and WAN connections through pfsense...  so i stll curious  did  this unraid(tower)  break somewhere internally   

so why does  tower say  my backupserver is the DNS  server for Samba..  shouldnt  each Server say  the servers name..  like Tower should be tower not backupserver...  as i usually leave all 4 servers running on my browser  always  so they all up..

just Tower has failed 


and ya  i mentioned i have a static IP  i also sent you a pic of my static IP  of the above messages 


so ill check it out..    so does this mean  my other 3 servers are going to fail  next week since Tower failed last week for samba naming..  i still dont understand how it can break..  did a Docker mess it up.. and the only docker i recently installed was RocketChat and monogodb 


thanks help so far  ill read those articles



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oh and my Backup server    i left it running older version of unraid 6.8.2 no issues  with SMB shares its running 157 days no reboot

i limit the number dockers installed on it as it just backups  

i have 3 dockers on it..  and bunch of plugins..  i was thinking maybe 1 of these dockers  i have on Tower  mess's up SMB shares and web browser gui


that was my idea  anyways.. as i reading some of the articles now  it was something i was thinking might have broken things???

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i did read skim them  none of them answered my questions


none of them answered why do  "Desktop Shares"  thats on the array  works when the array is stopped   

\\tower  shows "Desktop Shares"    and files in it

\\   shows no shares


i tried looking on cache and Flash drive... why is my array files showing up on share  when Array is stopped


i didnt see that in any of sub headings either ...  i re skim  peoples things and keep trying things


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I often hesitate to advise folks to download from the Internet but there is a tool which will tell you what your Windows 10 computer is seeing on the SMB network.  It is called   LAN Scanner Tool v2.02  and can be downloaded from this site:




I have no answer for why you see any shares listed when the array is stopped unless \\tower is looking at some other computer.  That is why I suggested looking at what is attached to the SMB network.

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not sure how to look at whats attached to the SMB network..    array is stopped..

and ran the scanner

LANscanner v2.02 - ScottiesTech.Info

Scanning LAN...

--           A8-5E-45-A1-5E-47
--          c4-1c-ff-d9-7c-c2
--          c4-1c-ff-b2-b7-ed
--           52-54-00-b5-fe-40
BACKUPSERVER      00-1a-64-c5-f3-f4  WORKGROUP  MASTER
MITCHFLIX      30-9c-23-de-95-38  WORKGROUP  MASTER
TOWER         a8-5e-45-a1-5c-cb  WORKGROUP

also trying to add the code to the Tower SMB Extra  to make it a master doesnt work  it saves but when you reboot  array it deletes the 3 lines of code i added


and not sure what  is  and those not all the ips of my network anyways nore my pfsense router

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You should have  only     ONE     Local Master on any Unraid server based SMB network!    (You can have more than one Local Master on a MS SMB network if you are running the MS Server software.  You can read about that in one of the links.)


What is the 'DESKTOP-QTO0GRU' computer?  Why does it not have a MAC address? 

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