Datastore on VMWare/ESXi

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I'm curently having issue with UnRAID/VMWare Datastore. I store the drive containing updates of a WSUS server on a NFS share but , many time, my VM shutdown, with Disk error (The NFS on Unraid). I had this issue on many of other VM, (switching disk on local datastore to solve the problem). But as the WSUSContent is not small, I would like to use my NAS to store these information, as not a lot of performance are needed.


Are you using UnRAID as a VMWare Datastore ? What is your configuration ? (as iSCSI is not supporter by UnRAID, it seems NFS is my only solution)



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I do use Unraid NFS shares as ESXi datastores and have bumped into similar issues. Mostly timeout errors that make the share "unavailable".

I ended up hacking this little tool, which I keep somewhere under /scratch and run as off of cron every few minutes. Reduced the number of mishaps - albeit not to zero. Basically what it does is look for any NFS mount whose state is other than "available", and for each one deletes and re-mounts it.


ESXi 6.5d.



# ESXi script: Delete and re-create NFS shares that are in any state except "available"
# 2019-09-10 Created
# 2019-20-02 Added "force" hack

if [ "$1" == "force" ] ; then
        FILTER="grep -v [[:space:]]available$"

esxcfg-nas -l |
        $FILTER |
        sed "s|\(.*\) is \(/.*\) from \([0-9\.]*\).*|NAME='\1' ; SHARE='\2' ; HOST='\3'|" |
        while read line ; do
                eval $line
                echo "Yoyo NFS share \"$NAME\""
                esxcfg-nas -d "$NAME"
                esxcfg-nas -a "$NAME" -o $HOST -s "$SHARE"


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