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How to properly backup the boot USB and configuration?

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i managed to make a backup of my flash boot drive on the disk1 which is currently a HDD. It's just a test. 

But i'd like to know if the "Appdata backup" app is able to do incremental backup (like rsync) or it will proceed differently ?


And so, do you prefer using rsync or you just use  "Appdata backup"?



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6 minutes ago, trurl said:

I hope you also have another plan for that. If you can't boot Unraid, how will you get the backup?


I'm relatively new on Unraid, it was just a test. I don't know yet how i will do it, but i plan to use an unassigned usb hdd and maybe another unassigned usb flash to save these small critical files/data. I can't do parity because i'm using a tiny pc (prodesk mini G4) which only have 1 SATA3 slot and 1 M.2 nvme + M.2 AE key.

So i thought to use incremental backup with usb disk. I heard that usb hdd are not safe to be assigned (risks of disconnection) and i'm not familiar with those m.2 to sata adapter, which could ruin my c-states and idle power... 🥲

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On 8/31/2021 at 10:07 AM, jbbrandes said:

3) Does this also transfer my license? If not, what else do I have to do to accomplish this step?

It does not transfer your licence - but when you boot Unraid it will notice that is the wrong licence file for the USB stick, and will take you through the automated licence transfer (which then blacklists the old usb stick).   


You can do the automated transfer once a year - if for any reason you need a second one then you need to email support and they will do a manual transfer for you so it takes a little longer (hours rather than minutes).

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