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WD 2TB WD20EARS $69.99 (free shipping) [after MIR]


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You can use your jumpered drives in newer builds along side with unjumpered drives when the time comes.


There is no reported indication of performance or stability issues with a Jumpered drive in unRAID. I'm currently running 2 and I intend on running those 2 in the newer builds

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Also a note about the preclearing you did.


That script is not designed to and setup for use on the 4K sector drives.  JoeL has a version he is working on but has not released it yet.


You have 2 options:

1. Cancel the preclear, install jumpers, restart the preclears

2. Wait for JoeL's new preclear, wait for 4.7, DO NOT install the jumper

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Or you can keep the jumper removed, run the existing preclear script to exercise and tests your drives, and when the new script version is released run the new version once or let the new unRAID 4.7 advance format the drive.


The preclearing of the drives take a while and it's good to run the process at least twice, and preferably 3 times. It shouldn't affect it running it twice on the old format and then once on the new format.

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So uhh, fingers crossed I get a good batch, because I just bought some!


Looks like you can only use the promo code once. I tried to order a 2nd set and the code was refused. (1st order was with an amex gift card)


EDIT: also you can revise the OP, the rebate got extended to the end of the month so this is still good till the 19th.

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