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Migrate to new HBA (SOLVED)


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Hi All,

I do apologies if this topic been discussed already, but quick search didn't give me a clear answer on the question.


My request sounds very simple and straightforward but want to protect myself from doing something stupid which can ruin everything or significant part...


I do have unRaid 6.8.3 with 6 SAS drives connected to Dell perc h310 in HBA (IT) mode.

I want (need?) just replace HBA card to HP Smart Array P420i which is also in HBA (IT) mode.


My problem is: when I did test run, I've figured out that all HDD's IDs got changed with new HBA (I still can guess which drive was on which position, its not a problem, but exact IDs are different now) and unRaid is complaining about too many missing disk (or whatever is exact error)


Please kindly advise how I can migrate to new HBA without loosing not only data on drives (its pretty clear that if I'll remain the order data will stay in disks) but all Unraid configs as well, as I do have lots of config changes made here and there and don't want even try to repeat from scratch (and I'm worrying it will required if I chose the option "Create New Config")


Thank you in advance

Edited by Snakesms
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26 minutes ago, Snakesms said:

HP Smart Array P420i which is also in HBA (IT) mode.

It didn't work because that is a RAID controller, even in HBA mode, it's not a true HBA, if you still want to use it you'd need to do a new config and re-assign all disks, note that if in the future you replace the controller with a different one you'll need to do the same, it would be best to use a true HBA, LSI preferred.

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9 hours ago, JorgeB said:

It didn't work because that is a RAID controller, even in HBA mode, it's not a true HBA, if you still want to use it you'd need to do a new config and re-assign all disks, note that if in the future you replace the controller with a different one you'll need to do the same, it would be best to use a true HBA, LSI preferred.

Thanks for advise Jorge, however when you say "new config" can you clarify what exactly is going to be new with new config? E.g. all Unraid OS will look like after "Factory Reset" or just new array will be created but all shares, Dockers, VMs etc. will remain untouched or even some 3rd scenario?

I probably can download trial unraid and play myself, but if some one can advise from practice it might save some time.

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