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Questions about my SSDs pools organisation

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I am questioning my actual SSD pools configuration and I am wondering if a should plan for a change.


My setup is with 2 pools with a RAID1 of 2 500GB RED SSD each:

  • cache (oscillating between 30 to 300GB with)for general caching of most of my shares. I also have some cache prefer shares with data that I want to edit before moving it to manually to a cached share.
  • local_data (around 230GB): for my docker appdata (90%), domains, isos, system (9%) and nextcould


I do not do any downloading on the server, I manage all the file transfers manually so I do not risk having a pool filling up if I am not careful.


This works well but there are three points that make me think about only using a single pool with the 4 drives and keep the same level of protection:

  1. One pools means I would not have to be AS careful as I am actually.
  2. I might get a bit more speed from the pool this way.
  3. I wonder if splitting the appdata over 4 drives would spread the writes better and improve the longevity overall.


Maybe I am overthinking it but an outside opinion is welcome.

Here is some more infos:








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  • 2 weeks later...

Back on the topic.

I am moving all my files from local_data to cache with Midnight Commander.


I would like to be sure of the next steps. I thinking:

  1. scrub cache to start with a clean slate
  2. stop array
  3. remove drives from local_data
  4. start array
  5. stop array
  6. assign freed drives to cache
  7. start array
  8. wait for the end of automatic raid1 balance
  9. convert/balance for raid 10

Are there mistakes, missing or useless steps ?

Edited by ChatNoir
correct terrible english :-/
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7 minutes ago, ChatNoir said:
  • scrub cache to start with a clean slate
  • stop array
  • remove drives from local_data
  • start array
  • stop array

Scrub is only done on the data/metadata, if you're moving the data not much point in scrubbing after, you could (and should) wipe them completely with blkdiscard before adding them to the other pool.

  • Thanks 1
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I only have those options available:

root@mediahub:~# blkdiscard --help

 blkdiscard [options] <device>

Discard the content of sectors on a device.

 -o, --offset <num>  offset in bytes to discard from
 -l, --length <num>  length of bytes to discard from the offset
 -p, --step <num>    size of the discard iterations within the offset
 -s, --secure        perform secure discard
 -z, --zeroout       zero-fill rather than discard
 -v, --verbose       print aligned length and offset

 -h, --help          display this help
 -V, --version       display version

For more details see blkdiscard(8).


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