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Unraid Upgrade (6.6.7 to 6.8.3) Can't Find Disks

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See screenshots.


I had a hard reboot of the server yesterday - it had become unresponsive as it seems to do about 2-3 times per year (no biggie).  Server came up fine, and started checking parity.  Parity check completed successfully, so I started updating the operating system.  Was 6.6.7 (from the config file change log).  I do have a backup of the Flash drive.


Now, after reboot, it's got the above configuration errors.


Any help would be *GREATLY* appreciated! 


I know step one is to not reboot the server, or make other changes, but to seek help as soon as possible to make sure I don't lose data.




Edited by jrhamilt
Correct previous version from 6.7.7 to 6.6.7
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They are all connected.  No physical change has occurred to the server itself.  I copied the backup of the flash drive from the old version (6.6.7) back onto the flash drive, and it booted correctly in 6.6.7.  Leads me to think there is something it can't recognize in the updated (6.8.3) version...


Some of the drives are connected directly to the Motherboard, and others are connected through an IcyDock (link below).  But I'm not sure which is which...


Edited by jrhamilt
Clarified text.
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Looks like icydock has separate SATA connections, so the controller for those disks are also on motherboard or else a controller card plugged in to the motherboard.


I did notice a Marvell controller in your diagnostics, they are known to cause problems for some time, though they might work if you disable IOMMU (VT-D) in your BIOS.

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Hmmm.  I have 4 drives in the cage, and 4 drives out.  I have 4 drives connected to my PCI controller, and 4 drives connected to the motherboard.  So, can't really nail things down there directly.

The PCI controller is: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AZ9T264/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Are the Marvell controllers on the motherboard?  Or the controller?  Anyway to know?

MB is: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. - H270M-DS3H-CF


I *think* that the drives that are working in the updated version are connected to the motherboard - not the PCI card...  (But would need to do more tracing to confirm...)

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5 hours ago, JorgeB said:

This helps sometimes with that Marvell controller, though best bet for the future would be to replace it.

Yup!  That worked without messing with the bios.  For clarity, I followed the trail back to here, which gave more context on the solution.  In particular, it's the comment before that helps you figure out what to do...


Stupid Marvell controllers.


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