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Lost #7 Drive "Unmountable: No file system"

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I've lost my #7 drive and before I go any further I want to get some eyeballs on it. I woke up the other morning with a parity check running which I found odd as there were no unclean shutdowns.  After the parity I then noticed that I was missing a decent amount of data (nearly full 6tb drive).


Diagnostics are attached.  

I recently upgraded from about a 3 year old version of Unraid, but I had zero issues for the past 2 weeks so I don't believe that is the culprit. This drive was in good health as far as I know and I had no other known issues. 

Thanks in advance. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Opening this back up. I've been experiencing an ongoing random drop of drive #7. I was able to run the diagnostic download before restart this time. 


I am able to remount the drive following the Check Filesystem restore process, however this will only last for a random amount of time before Drive #7 data disappears and parity check runs. The strange thing is that the drive will still appear to be mounted until I stop the array. It's only then that it recognizes that #7 is unmounted. 


Any documents out there that can help me troubleshoot this one? 




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So I've replaced my cable on Drive 7 and it's lead to a series of weird ailments. Drive 7 essentially became unmountable after the cable replacement (XFS rebuild was doing nothing) and then drive 6 started acting weird too during a parity check that auto triggered. 


I thought maybe the drive itself was bad even though it was passing SMART tests. I have a couple spares on hand so I replaced it with a WD8tb white I had ready to go. During the disc rebuilding to #7, drive #8 became unmountable. SIGH. 


Drive #7 finished the rebuild and then I was able to XFS repair drive #8 and mount it. Now I am showing 1170 errors on disc 7 and 170 on disc 8. I attempted to run a party with write corrections but it was running brutally slow. It was estimating 200 days for completion. 


Both discs pass a smart test and the #7 is now brand new. I'm leaning towards a hardware/software compatibility issue with the sata controller. I just recently upgraded from a 3+ year old version due to controller issues when I tried to upgrade back in the day. I've add the line of code for IOMMU to fix that but now it's looking maybe that was only a partial fix? I can't really see what else it could be at this point but I'm a green belt in all of this. My RAM was recently replaced and passed MEMtest. 


Where should I go from here? Diagnostics attached. 


Thanks in advance. 


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