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unable to ugrade unRAID from 6.3.3

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I am ruining unRAID 6.3.3 and have been for several years.  I recently had a problem and although I have fixed it, it was suggested I upgrade to the latest.


I tried the process of going to plugins, and update from their.  I get the error message https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/stable/unRAIDServer.plg....failed (invalid url/server"


I then tried the same but manually  typing in "https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/stable/unRAIDServer.plkg".  I received the same error.


How to I update my unRAID server or should I start from scratch.  The only plugin I have is the preclear plugin and I have no VMs or apps installed.


If I start from scratch, how do I do it?  Should I use a new USB stick and download and install the OS, then setup my complete system with all the shares, then transfer the license?


I probably could really use a step by step instructions.


Thanks In Advance


Gary McKee

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Since you are coming from such an old version, study these notes to see if there is anything you need to take care of before upgrading:




Make a backup of your flash drive, then just get the zip from the DOWNLOAD link at the upper right of any forum page, and copy all bz* files to the root of your flash drive, overwriting any already there.

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The update worked, but I have a problem that I don't know if is related to the upgrade.


I have an 8 TB hard disk that was showing up under the old OS and it only had about 50 Gig of space left.  After I did the update, I received the message that that disk had no file system. 


The smart data says it never failed.  The different parameters that smart monsters said they were either pre-fail or old age.  Smart also said it passed.  I did not run the smart tests after I did the update so the data may be from before the update or after the update.  I don't know


I have another 8 TB drive that I can put in its place.  Should I do this and should the system rebuild the data?  The data is not terribly important, just that it would take a long time to re download.  Or should  I just remove the existing disk without a file system and treat it as a new disk?


Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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I ran the diagnostics but I can't find the resulting zip file.  At present, I am controlling the unRAID server from a remote machine.  When I go the display on the unRAID machine, the display is huge and overfills the physical display.  I haven’t found a way to reduce the size.  When I open a console terminal, that window is so large, I can't move it around to get to any of the controls


Where can I find the diagnostics zip file from the remote machine.



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I have ublock origin but that shouldn’t block outgoing messages.  I have the zip file on my desktop machine and that is where I'm attaching it to this message which is also on my desktop.  When I say drag files, they drag to the box at the bottom of this page, and it says upload failed and I get a message block that has an explanation mark inside a triangle and a  -200.  I can not type in this message area until I click OK .  The same thing happens if I do a choose files choosing the zip file which I have in the Downloads file of my desktop machine.


On version 6.3.3 the zip file was written to the /boot partition of the unRAID usb stick.  I assume that it isn't written there any more.  If it is, then I could shut the unRAID machine down and remove the stick and copy it.  If it is only written to the /boot directory if I tell it to save it there, I can't do that.  When I tired that, it looks like it opened a blank terminal that I could not do anything with.  It was just a white screen with nothing on it and I could not type on it or possible move it.  I tried to move it to see if something was off screen but no luck.  Also when I tried it and tried to save it to the /boot directory, i never had a option of where to save it. I had the unRAID logo with waving bars waving from about midnight when I went to bed to about 9 am this morning when I killed it.  Still nothing.

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No firewall set-up blocking outgoing uploads. 


I want to thank everybody for the help, but I must terminate this effort.  What was on this disk was not that important and I can recreate it.  It seems like we went down the rabbit hole and I am wasting to much time that I need to spend on other projects.


Thanks Again.  I wish we could have figured this out, but for me, it would only be an educational experience.


Thanks Agaiin


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