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Only one disk out of 13 are being used by Radarr


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I'm not sure if this is an unraid issue or a radarr issue, but I noticed that radarr recently would only write to disk #6 and when that drive is full then radarr thinks there is no disk space left and throws up errors. If I free up space on disk #6 radarr will start importing again until that drive is full, rinse and repeat. I've looked on the disk space info screen on radarr and it shows there being plenty of free space on my unraid NAS. Sonarr doesn't seem to have this issue and writes to all disks.


Edited by kjac
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The directories are structured like:


\\tower\Movies\MovieTitle (2020)\MovieTitle (2020).mkv


I thought the level 1 split was appropriate here, what would you recommend?


Radarr also used to use disk #1 and that has several TB of movies as well, but it seems to have stopped using it and locked onto disk #6 recently.


The only other thing I can think to mention is right before this disk full error popped up disk #6 was almost completely full, just a few KB of space was left. I then realized I should probably set my minimum free space to 30GB for that share.


Now disk #6 has a constantly fluctuating free space amount, it jumps from a few hundred MB to a few KB and vise versa. I tried deleting movies stored on disk #6 so it would have that 30GB of free space, but radarr ignores that limit and automatically writes to the disk as soon as space is available.


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hmm, now I'm wondering if there might be an even bigger issue. When I setup radarr I had already created all the movie folders in unraid and then imported those empty folders into radarr. Where does an empty folder go by default in unraid? Is it just spread evenly among the disks?

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10 minutes ago, kjac said:

Where does an empty folder go by default in unraid? Is it just spread evenly among the disks?

Nope. A folder is just another directory entry like a file, so as long as there is free space, it goes to the first disk that meets the allocation settings. Since folders take up virtually zero space, ALL the empty folders will end up on a single drive.

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well that didn't seem to work very well. It appears that unbalance isn't scattering the files/folders to all my disks, but rather just moving them from one disk to the next disk with free space. Any ideas on what I could try? I am not too knowledgeable in the linux environment, but I can follow a manual if there's another way of balancing out all these empty folders.


EDIT: until I find a better solution, I'm using the unbalance plugin to scatter files drive by drive and just stopping the process manually and selecting a different drive, and so on... probably an overly complicated and idiotic way of doing this but here I am.

Edited by kjac
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Solution found! For anyone having this problem in the future... I enabled the setting in Radarr "Delete empty folders" and so it deleted all those empty folders that got stuck on one disc and will now only create them as each movie is downloaded/imported. 

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