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  • Trying something new...


    A different way of announcing RC releases.

    Instead of having a series of topics:
    Unraid OS version 6.11.0-rc1 available
    Unraid OS version 6.11.0-rc2 available

    We'll have a single topic:
    Unraid OS version 6.11.0-rc series

    And also lock the topic so there can be no direct replies.

    When another RC is published, then we will add a post to the topic that specifies the changes vs. the previous RC release. If there are N rc releases there will be N posts in the topic. An exception might occur if another developer wanted to add a post providing more detail for a specific change.

    There are two reasons I want to make this change: First is to simplify and streamline my release workflow since we want to move to smaller, more frequent releases.

    Second, is to get away from people posting bug reports and other issues right in the release topic. Instead we would like you to post separate reports for bugs and other issues.

    Our philosophy up until now has been to make it as easy as possible for someone to give us feedback, hence leaving the release topics open for reply. But this has always been a problem and as the OS becomes more and more complex this is becoming a larger issue.


    So let's give this a try.  Comments welcome (this topic is not locked LOL).

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    Sounds like a great Idea, having all changes in a single topic without any noise is very nice and it makes sure bug reports are where they need to be and not buried somewhere and forgotten.


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    Sounds like a good move.


    Maybe a partner topic - something like "6.11 series feedback" - Not pointing out any specific bug, but maybe as a way for people to give feedback or change requests for new features as they are implementated "Maybe this button should be orange" "What about moving that thing below this thing". 


    Maybe useful, maybe more effort than it's worth, just food for thought.

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    On 7/30/2022 at 12:05 PM, -Daedalus said:

    Maybe a partner topic - something like "6.11 series feedback" - Not pointing out any specific bug, but maybe as a way for people to give feedback or change requests for new features as they are implemented "Maybe this button should be orange" "What about moving that thing below this thing".


    I agree with this.  Sometimes some good ole feedback goes a long way.  But, I know, there will always be "one" who will think they are providing feedback and expect a FIXACT to be provided to that "feedback."


    Either way, I'm down with the "trying something different."

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    Is it possible to use something like the like/thanks indicators on this topic to provide some quick feedback options along the lines of:

    I've installed it and it worked first time.

    I've got it running after a few attempts.

    It didn't work for me so I rolled back.


    Lots of the posts following an announcement are along the lines of "Installed no issues" which is very reassuring to see for those of us with only one server and feeling a bit cautious (but still wanting the latest thing). This would give users the ability to respond with a bit of feedback, and some visible counts for those looking for reassurance.


    Love what you're doing, but waiting for a week or two before I jump in with this one!

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    I love the idea of having a locked release announcement thread! I would like to see this paradigm extended to the threads in the Announcements category of the forum as well, though maybe with a link to a discussion thread in that case (see here). This makes it much easier to get notifications when something is announced or updated rather than whenever someone posts a comment about the announcement. 

    Edited by primeval_god
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    On 8/2/2022 at 11:32 AM, jsebright said:

    Is it possible to use something like the like/thanks indicators on this topic to provide some quick feedback options along the lines of:

    That's a good idea

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    I understand the reasons, though I do think you should also rename the section. This is still under “Bug Reports”. Which clearly is no longer a logical fit. 

    The idea of creating a quick feedback as mentioned above I also like. Would be nice to see a small graph listing the counters of the categories and per version.


    also I would suggest adding the new release at the top as this is new and most relevant. Lastly it would be nice to add a shortcut (link) to the page where bugs can be reported but also viewed.


    regards Richard

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  • Status Definitions


    Open = Under consideration.


    Solved = The issue has been resolved.


    Solved version = The issue has been resolved in the indicated release version.


    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.


    Retest = Please retest in latest release.

    Priority Definitions


    Minor = Something not working correctly.


    Urgent = Server crash, data loss, or other showstopper.


    Annoyance = Doesn't affect functionality but should be fixed.


    Other = Announcement or other non-issue.

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