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  • Unraid OS version 6.12.7-rc2 available


    The Unraid 6.12.7-rc1/rc2 releases contain bug fixes and security updates that we'd like feedback on before releasing 6.12.7. If you installed rc1, please upgrade to rc2 as it fixes problems related to installing license keys.


    Upgrade steps for this release

    1. As always, prior to upgrading, create a backup of your USB flash device:  "Main/Flash/Flash Device Settings" - click "Flash Backup".
    2. Update all of your plugins. This is critical for the Connect, NVIDIA and Realtek plugins in particular.
    3. If the system is currently running 6.12.0 - 6.12.6, we're going to suggest that you stop the array at this point. If it gets stuck on "Retry unmounting shares", open a web terminal and type:
      umount /var/lib/docker

      The array should now stop successfully (this release takes another stab at preventing issues related to Docker not stopping properly)

    4. If you have the Connect plugin installed and updated to the latest version
      1. Open the dropdown in the top-right of the Unraid webgui and click Check for Update. More details in this blog post
    5. If you don't have the Connect plugin installed
      1. Go to Tools -> Update OS and switch to the "Next" branch. If the update doesn't show, click "Check for Updates"
    6. Wait for the update to download and install
    7. If you have any plugins that install 3rd party drivers (NVIDIA, Realtek, etc), wait for the notification that the new version of the driver has been downloaded. 
    8. Reboot


    This thread is perfect for quick questions or comments, but if you suspect there will be back and forth for your specific issue, please start a new topic. Be sure to include your diagnostics.zip.


    Upgrade notes


    This release has two very important fixes. First, we updated Docker to incorporate fixes for their recent security advisory.


    Second, we fixed a corner case bug which can lead to data loss if a newly added array drive has a non-standard partition layout. If you add one of these drives, the second time you start the array the drive will show as unformatted. If this happens please contact support and we can help you with data recovery. Even if you have not encountered this issue, we recommend upgrading so that you will not be affected when adding drives in the future.


    This release also includes some nice fixes in networking, Docker containers, Time Machine support, and VMs as well as fix for a slowdown some systems were having on the Dashboard. We have also improved the SMART attribute handling for NVME and SSD drives. Details below.


    Known issues


    Out of date plugins

    Out of date plugins can cause problems, we recommend they be kept current.


    Call traces and crashes related to macvlan

    If you are getting call traces related to macvlan (or any unexplained crashes, really), as a first step we recommend navigating to Settings > Docker, switching to advanced view, and changing the Docker custom network type from macvlan to ipvlan. This is the default configuration that Unraid has shipped with since version 6.11.5 and should work for most systems.


    Note that some users have reported issues with port forwarding from certain routers (Fritzbox) and reduced functionality with advanced network management tools (Ubiquity) when in ipvlan mode. If this affects you, see the alternate solution available since Unraid 6.12.4.


    Network problems due to jumbo frames

    If you are having network issues of any kind, confirm that you have not enabled jumbo frames. Navigate to Settings > Network Settings > eth0 and confirm the Desired MTU is 1500. For more information see the Fix Common Problems warning for jumbo frames.


    Problems due to Realtek network cards

    Upgraded kernel fixes the deadlock issue with jumbo frames and the in-tree Realtek 8125 driver. However, we still recommend following the advice above regarding jumbo frames.


    If you continue to have network stability issues and Tools > System Devices shows that you have a Realtek ethernet controller, grab the part number shown and search Community Apps to see if there is a Realtek vendor-supplied driver plugin for that device. For more information, see the support page for Realtek driver plugins.


    Other issues?

    We highly recommend installing the Fix Common Problems plugin as it will warn you of common configuration problems.

    If you are having other crashes or stability issues, navigate to Settings > Syslog Server and enable Mirror syslog to flash. This will cause additional wear and tear on you USB flash boot device but is useful in the short term for gathering logs after a crash.


    After the next reboot, navigate to Tools > Diagnostics and download your anonymized diagnostics (as of 6.12.5, diagnostics automatically include logs that were mirrored to the flash drive).


    Finally, start a new topic and provide all the details of the issue. Once the issue is resolved, be sure to disable Mirror syslog to flash.


    Rolling back

    Be aware that rolling back to an earlier release will make your system vulnerable to the Docker security issues and potential data loss scenario mentioned in Upgrade notes.


    If rolling back earlier than 6.12.6, also see the 6.12.6 release notes.

    Changes vs. 6.12.6

    Bug fixes and improvements

    • Docker:
      • Fix WG routes added to the correct interface (br0 or eth0 or bond0)
      • Use "lazy unmount" unmount of docker image to prevent blocking array stop
      • Updated to address multiple security issues (CVE-2024-21626, CVE-2024-24557)
    • Networking improvements:
      • Boot faster by checking for carrier before assigning DHCP addresses
      • Remove leading zeros from IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
      • New '/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 status' and '/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 status ip' commands to aid with network troubleshooting from the command line
    • Notifications: Add ntfy.sh to notification agents
    • SMART improvements:
      • Fix NVME Selftest
      • Fix display of 'Accumulated power on time, hours:minutes xxxxx:yy' SMART attribute
      • Display KB/MB/GB/TB written in SMART Attributes for SSDs
      • Add 'SSD endurance remaining' SMART Attribute
    • System logging:
      • By default, syslog is copied to USB boot flash on shutdown, see Settings > Syslog Server to disable
      • Logs from the above and Mirror syslog to flash are now available the next boot on Tools > Syslog and in diagnostics
    • VM Manager: Fix for downgrade: if the VM template has been updated to the latest QEMU machine type it will not be found upon downgrade. This change finds latest current version for a given machine type.
    • ZFS: Use zpool import "-f" flag to permit import of foreign pools
    • Other:
      • Enable EFI boot by default for fresh installations
      • Fix slowdown on Dashboard and Docker pages (and reduces flash device writes)
      • Formatting: do not initialize device partition layout if already valid.
      • Update OS: redesigned Update OS and Downgrade OS pages, refer to blog post
      • Fix MacOS unable to write 'flash' share and restore Time Machine compatibility (fruit changes)
      • Allow Community Apps (if installed) to automatically start containers when doing a multi-install
      • Feedback form: change DONE button to CANCEL
    • Package updates
      • docker: version 24.0.9
      • kernel-firmware: version 20231226_abfcad8
    • Linux kernel
      • version 6.1.74
      • CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_XR: USB MaxLinear/Exar USB to Serial driver
      • CONFIG_CAN: CAN bus subsystem support
      • CONFIG_CAN_NETLINK: CAN device drivers with Netlink support
      • CONFIG_CAN_GS_USB: Geschwister Schneider UG and candleLight compatible interfaces


    • Like 11

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    This release should also fix the issues for anyone using Adaptec 7 series controllers (possibly also 8 series) that use the aacraid driver, since the kernel commit that was causing the issue for users running v6.12.5 and v6.12.6, was reverted on the newer kernel included with this release.

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    I tried time machine like a year ago and couldn't get it to work - excited to see if this allows it to function again!

    • Like 2
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    Love to see the header description setting being fixed ☺️

    Strange enough that the only UI Bug for me is still within management. Displays my ipv6 with a "]" in the middle of it. I know that this doesnt happen on every machine. Funky!

    Looking forward to observing the page speed over the day.


    • Like 1
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    "Display KB/MB/GB/TB written in SMART Attributes for SSDs"

    Not for the Seagate IronWolf SSDs:
    100 Flash GB erased 0x0032100100000 Old age Always Never 16212


    Could be added maybe?


    SSD endurance remaining works fine!

    Edit: Maybe because it's in GB already? My SSDs have 400+ TBW rating. I'm at 85 TBW, drive is 4+ years old. 96% endurance left. ;)

    Edited by Niklas
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    4 hours ago, Niklas said:



    "Display KB/MB/GB/TB written in SMART Attributes for SSDs"

    Not for the Seagate IronWolf SSDs:
    100 Flash GB erased 0x0032100100000 Old age Always Never 16212


    Could be added maybe?


    SSD endurance remaining works fine!

    Edit: Maybe because it's in GB already? My SSDs have 400+ TBW rating. I'm at 85 TBW, drive is 4+ years old. 96% endurance left. ;)

    What does smartctl -n standby -l ssd /dev/sdx report? replace sdx with correct drive name.

    Link to comment
    5 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    What does smartctl -n standby -l ssd /dev/sdx report? replace sdx with correct drive name.

    For endurance? It's correct.

    smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-6.1.74-Unraid] (local build)
    Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org
    Device Statistics (GP Log 0x04)
    Page  Offset Size        Value Flags Description
    0x07  =====  =               =  ===  == Solid State Device Statistics (rev 1) ==
    0x07  0x008  1               4  ---  Percentage Used Endurance Indicator
                                    |||_ C monitored condition met
                                    ||__ D supports DSN
                                    |___ N normalized value

    I also have this smart value:
    231 SSD life left where value and worst is at 096.

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    15 hours ago, Mainfrezzer said:

    Love to see the header description setting being fixed ☺️


    Sorry, I'm not sure what you're referring to here, is this done or are you asking for a change? : )


    15 hours ago, Mainfrezzer said:

    Strange enough that the only UI Bug for me is still within management. Displays my ipv6 with a "]" in the middle of it.


    Looking into this, thanks

    Link to comment
    42 minutes ago, Niklas said:

    For endurance? It's correct.

    smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-6.1.74-Unraid] (local build)
    Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org
    Device Statistics (GP Log 0x04)
    Page  Offset Size        Value Flags Description
    0x07  =====  =               =  ===  == Solid State Device Statistics (rev 1) ==
    0x07  0x008  1               4  ---  Percentage Used Endurance Indicator
                                    |||_ C monitored condition met
                                    ||__ D supports DSN
                                    |___ N normalized value

    I also have this smart value:
    231 SSD life left where value and worst is at 096.

    As they are GB already so not sure if need additional info below are lines that add addition info.



    if ($info[0]==9 && is_numeric(size($info[9]))) duration($info[9]);

    if (str_starts_with($info[1], 'Total_LBAs_')) blocks_size($info[9],512); // Assumes 512 byte sectors

    if (str_ends_with($info[1], '_32MiB')) blocks_size($info[9],32*1024*1024);


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    2 hours ago, SimonF said:

    As they are GB already so not sure if need additional info below are lines that add addition info.



    Sorry, what's that? :D




    For the devs, this is only an eyesore (for me). 


    If I name my server "Server"

    Under settings -> Management Access 
    "Local access URLs: .. http://Server.lan/ redirects to ..."

    "Self-signed or user-provided certificate: /boot/config/ssl/certs/Server_unraid_bundle.pem" (the actual file is in all lowercase)

    "Certificate URL: Server.lan"

    "server" should be all lowercase, right?
    I know I can change the server name from Server to server but then the info in the header does not look good. ;)
    Sorry, don't want to waste your time.


    6.12.7-rc2 running fine here. Thanks! 

    Edited by Niklas
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    23 hours ago, mattalat said:

    I tried time machine like a year ago and couldn't get it to work - excited to see if this allows it to function again!

    I can't get TM to fail under 6.12.7. Been trying hard for the last month with no success ;) 

    • Like 2
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    18 hours ago, Niklas said:

    If I name my server "Server"

    Under settings -> Management Access 
    "Local access URLs: .. http://Server.lan/ redirects to ..."

    "Self-signed or user-provided certificate: /boot/config/ssl/certs/Server_unraid_bundle.pem" (the actual file is in all lowercase)

    "Certificate URL: Server.lan"

    "server" should be all lowercase, right?
    I know I can change the server name from Server to server but then the info in the header does not look good. ;)
    Sorry, don't want to waste your time.


    I can help with this but it is a bit more than we should do in a release thread. Please start a new topic in General Support (this is not related to this rc release). So we can talk specifics, it would be very helpful if you include your diagnostics and the output of:

    ls -al /boot/config/ssl/certs/*


    Feel free to reply here with the URL

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    12 minutes ago, ljm42 said:


    I can help with this but it is a bit more than we should do in a release thread. Please start a new topic in General Support (this is not related to this rc release). So we can talk specifics, it would be very helpful if you include your diagnostics and the output of:

    ls -al /boot/config/ssl/certs/*


    Feel free to reply here with the URL


    This is not a problem per se. Only visual. In url:s, cert paths, files and stuff like that I think it's good to only show and use lower case letters, especially with file systems and os that cares. ;)

    -rw------- 1 root root 7322 Jan 15 01:52 /boot/config/ssl/certs/certificate_bundle.pem
    -rw------- 1 root root 2843 Aug 20 23:41 /boot/config/ssl/certs/server_unraid_bundle.pem

    Edited by Niklas
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    I'm experiencing out of memory crashes with this update. The system has 32GB of RAM and I've manually set ZFS arc to 16 gigs, I have a 1TB zfs mirror for cache and 4x8TB drives in raidz-1 for media.


    Unraid becomes unresponsive and the screen goes blank if I have a monitor connected. I've enabled the option to mirror syslog to flash but there are no entries to suggest what's actually causing the massive RAM usage, only entries where unraid tries to make some memory available by killing processes.


    I've tried monitoring the memory usage live but there doesn't seem to be any consistency (one crash within 10 mins of boot, others have taken hours) in the time period, and so far I've missed the crash every time.


    After downgrading to 6.12.6, the OOM crashes have stopped. I haven't changed any other configuration.

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  • Status Definitions


    Open = Under consideration.


    Solved = The issue has been resolved.


    Solved version = The issue has been resolved in the indicated release version.


    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.


    Retest = Please retest in latest release.

    Priority Definitions


    Minor = Something not working correctly.


    Urgent = Server crash, data loss, or other showstopper.


    Annoyance = Doesn't affect functionality but should be fixed.


    Other = Announcement or other non-issue.

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