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  • Slow Transfer Speeds between disks with every upgrade.

    • Annoyance

    @itimpi, @limetech - Posting here as recommended. Also, new logs attached. I have had to restart once in the day today due to Drives being disconnected. Sorry about that.


    Since upgrading from version 6.6.6 (~110Mbps) to 6.7.2(~80Mbps) and now to 6.8.0(~20Mbps) the write speeds on transfers between internal drives have really gone to the gutter.

    Even after removing my parity drives the results are same. One file transfer halts the complete system and everything from UI to Dockers is unresponsive to the extent that I have to leave it for the transfer to complete. Plex stops streaming and starts screaming.


    I have no Idea, if someone has any clue please HELP!


    Also, same is true for transfers between my PC to Server over Gigabit LAN.


    No Shares have Cache enabled where the transfer are happening, there is no parity drives while I am struggling with this. Rest of the build is in my signature below.


    Thanks in Advance!



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    Hey @BRiT,


    Thanks for chiming in with your thoughts.


    No, not on my main server, but I believe Unraid-NVIDIA just adds the NVIDIA drivers on top of the Unraid builds. It does not alter the base Unraid OS files.


    But, I did check with it on a fresh separate installation with vanilla Unraid 6.8.0 and 6.7.2. Same result.




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    Can you show us a way to reproduce the issue? For example this is me doing a disk to disk copy, no parity like you:

    root@Tower9:~# pv /mnt/disk3/10.iso > /mnt/disk2/10.iso
    6.60GiB 0:01:03 [ 107MiB/s] [=====================================>] 100%

    Disks used are 2.5" 500GB that max out at around 110MB/s, so performance seems about right.


    IF you get low speeds doing the above please post new diags downloaded during the transfer.

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