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Report Comments posted by limetech

  1. 17 minutes ago, h0schi said:

    Thx !

    Thats strange, but why is affecting the spindown ?

    With 6.8.3 it‘s working without any problems.


    I will test the function with the 15min spindown-time.

    I hope that the disks will be spinup and spindown so often.


    I suggest you just hold off until 6.9.1 is published.  Will probably solve the problems you are seeing.

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/3/2021 at 2:17 AM, Carpe_Diem said:

    In Dashboard, all three disk show constant read activity of exactly 341B/s or 682B/s (same in all drives at same time), but this is a "fake" read, because dashboard still shows that read activity with drives manually spinned down, which is of course, impossible.


    Executing any kind of SMART operation increments both number I/O's to the device (in this case Reads) and number sectors transferred (in this case sectors read).  This is true whether device is in standby or not.  HOWEVER, I have a fix for this coming in 6.9.1




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    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, mcai3db3 said:

    Update: I "inspected" the HTML source in Firefox, removed the Regex validation, and got my dockers started without issue.

    So something is awry with that forms validation... (edit: or I'm doing something that I'm not supposed to be doing?)


    tldr: the issue is the '4' at the end of the docker image file name.  Rename the file from 'docker4.img' to 'docker.img' and it'll work.


    In 6.9 we added the 'Docker data root' config setting.  This lets you select how to keep the Docker persistent state (image layers):

    • In a btrfs-formatted vdisk loopback-mounted at /var/lib/docker.  In this case the name of the image file must be 'docker.img'.
    • In an xfs-formatted vdisk loopback-mounted at /var/lib/docker.  In this case the name of the image file must be 'docker-xfs.img'.
    • In a specified directory which is bind-mounted at /var/lib/docker.  Further, the file system where this directory is located must either be btrfs or xfs.


    Docker will use either the 'btrfs' storage driver in the case of btrfs-formatted vdisk/directory, or the 'overlay2' storage driver in the case of xfs-formatted vdisk/directory.


    • Like 1
  4. Please click on the the Log icon on right side of webGUI menu bar.  This will open a window with the system log 'tailed' - meaning as messages are generated they will appear in that window.  If server crashes click in the window and select/copy/paste the contents here.


    Another way to monitor the log is to open a Terminal window and type this command:

    tail -f /var/log/syslog


  5. Yes user share file system is crashing:

    Mar  4 11:00:12 Unraid1 shfs: shfs: ../lib/fuse.c:1451: unlink_node: Assertion `node->nlookup > 1' failed.

    I've been looking at this for a while and don't see an obvious culprit.  There is a whole lot of 'noise' in the system log because there are quite a number of plugins installed.  Can you get rid of some of those?  A danger with plugins is that they can modify the base OS and even install down-rev versions of packages.  I'm not saying this is the case but it makes analyzing a lot more difficult.

  6. On 12/29/2020 at 3:39 PM, dsmith44 said:

    Ok, I've fixed this for me.


    Running a strace on the net ads join command it was referencing /var/cache/samba/smb_krb5/krb5.conf.SHORTDOMAIN in which there is the line


    include /etc/krb5.conf

    That file doesn't exist on my system, instead I have /etc/krb.conf.


    A symlink later and I can join the domain properly.


    I'm adding this to /boot/config/go for now

    # Fix missing /etc/krb5.conf
    if [ ! -f /etc/krb5.conf ] && [ -f /etc/krb.conf ]; then
    ln -s /etc/krb.conf /etc/krb5.conf



    Great detective work, saved me a lot of time, thank you!

  7. On 1/2/2021 at 4:59 AM, dsmith44 said:

    @jonp any clues on why we all have krb.conf (v4 if memory serves) instead of a krb5.conf in /etc?

    It's my bug.  Prior to samba 4.12 or maybe 4.11 we didn't need to install kerberos at all since there are no Unraid "users" in the traditional sense that would use kerberos to authenicate logging into a remote server.  But somewhere the samba team integrated other components of kerberos which made including the package mandatory.  The /etc/krb5.conf file is super-simple however and I made a mistake by leaving the '5' off - doh!

    • Haha 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, manHands said:

    Upgraded from 6.8.3. HighPoint RocketRAID 2840a controller recognized in System Devices, but none of the attached SATA drives (my entire array) are. Controller and drives all recognized in 6.8.3. Had to downgrade.

    If that uses rr272x_1x driver then, forgot to add to release notes, it does not build with Linux 5.10 kernel.  I suggest you contact HighPoint and ask them to update their driver.

    • Thanks 1
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