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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You need to stop the api to handle this issue at the moment.
  2. Can you reach it via https://IP-address (note, explicitly type in https, not http or just the IP) Then you can simply go to Settings - Network settings and set everything back (And also hit update DNS in Management Settings) Note: It's not recommended to have the OS itself run through piHole -> There's no ads in the OS (and your containers probably don't have any either), so it just introduces a major complication to everything. (And if something is ever wrong on piHole, then you will have also lost internet access to everything)
  3. Do the logs offer anything interesting? (Click the icon and select Logs) What is the format of the unassigned device? (btrfs / xfs or something else)
  4. Give it a couple of minutes. If it still doesn't pop up on the access mode for that path it should in theory be set to Read/Write:Slave
  5. Jan 29 04:47:51 Infinity kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged Jan 29 04:47:51 Infinity kernel: [Hardware Error]: Corrected error, no action required. Jan 29 04:47:51 Infinity kernel: [Hardware Error]: CPU:1 (19:21:2) MC11_STATUS[Over|CE|-|AddrV|PCC|-|CECC|-|Poison|-]: 0xd7894800017d60c0 Jan 29 04:47:51 Infinity kernel: [Hardware Error]: Error Addr: 0x0000000000000000 Jan 29 04:47:51 Infinity kernel: [Hardware Error]: IPID: 0x0000000000000000 Jan 29 04:47:51 Infinity kernel: [Hardware Error]: L3 Cache Ext. Error Code: 61 Jan 29 04:47:51 Infinity kernel: [Hardware Error]: cache level: RESV, tx: INSN Looks like it's a typical Ryzen MCE and nothing to worry about.
  6. Instead of typing the paths (which is quite possibly how you got into this situation, simply hit EDIT and click the host path and use the dropdown to navigate to the correct paths)
  7. I've got a nvme that does the exact same thing. Had it for around a month or 2 and is currently showing 9 days. Too lazy to investigate why (and it doesn't particularly bother me) To use the mover method as linked above, you stop the docker and VM services in settings, then set those 3 shares to use the cache_sata pool with a use cache setting of yes. (if you're running 6.10, stop and start the array after doing this) Run mover and the contents will be moved from the sata pool to the array. Next, set those 3 shares to use the cache_nvme pool with a use cache setting of prefer. (if you're running 6.10, stop and start the array after doing this) Run mover and the contents will get moved from the array to the proper pool You're now good to go. This happened because you had previously had the settings reflecting the cache_sata pool (or renamed a pool etc) but didn't move all of the files off of it
  8. Probably best to post in the relevant support thread (click the icon and select support) for more exposure to those familiar
  9. Interesting. The reason for why you have no network in safemode is because your normal boot method has rcu_nocbs=0-11 pcie_acs_override=multifunction but without those entries on the safemode config, the wrong device gets isolated from the system Unfortunately it doesn't help with the original problem. And I've seen the messages off and on (and had them myself) but never to the same extent, and I'm not sure of what a resolution is. Needs somebody with more networking experience than I have.
  10. Yes, that's entirely up to you. How you had it is storing it in RAM. Just give it the appropriate path
  11. /config stores all of the appdata (library etc). Plexinc has added in another mapping of /data which you could use to point to your library itself (ie: /mnt/user/media) to make your life a little easier.
  12. Yes. Updates to the container (assuming you're using the official one) are issued on a very regular basis Make sure your template is current (uninstall / reinstall if necessary) and adjust the number if necessary (shouldn't have to, but you never know)
  13. Try increasing the timeout (or alternatively stop the container before upgrading).
  14. 11M /config/Library 11M /config There's nothing right now that's excessive use, but you've got Plex setup wrong in the template. I had already replied in the other thread
  15. Your template settings are wrong. You've got the appdata path or /config path going to a host path of /config/Library/Applications Support/Plex Media Server This location is in RAM and will be lost at every reboot. The entries for /config are automatically adjusted by the system to reflect the base path of whatever you have set in Settings - Docker, Default appdata path, so it would appear that you've gone to show more settings and manually changed it yourself. This should be something akin to /mnt/user/appdata/Plex Also, for your /transcode path you want to set this to be a subdirectory off of /tmp (ie: /tmp/transcode or /tmp/plex etc) Doing it that way you have it (currently mapped to /tmp), Plex has full control over that directory, and if it decides to delete stuff in it (which it does) that was placed there by the OS, weird problems will results across the entire GUI
  16. tips.and.tweaks.plg - 2021.12.22 Are you making any tweaks to the networking via this? Try uninstalling it to see if there's any difference. If the problems seem to disappear, probably best asking in it's support thread.
  17. It is currently an ongoing investigation AFAIK.
  18. That's very strange. Can you grab diagnostics (you can do it from a command prompt) after booting into safe mode. It will probably provide more information that will help us see what's actually going on.
  19. Ideally use the flash drive in a USB2 port. If the problem continues, the Flash Remount plugin should be able to keep the system running.
  20. More than a few. It's the cause. RootFS gets mounted as 50% of available RAM and basically its all Plex. Personally, I've noticed that Plex when transcoding never actually deletes anything until playback is stopped and depending upon the number of users, the remote quality etc the files keep adding up. Thanks for trying the script. It should really help when we're trying to diagnose similar issues....
  21. Yeah, you've got physical 2 nics, but 3 are listed in the config (must be a ghost from a previous configuration or something) I've only got 1 (and no easy method for adding another without destroying the WAF while she's watching movies), but you can try making a change to Network settings and reverting it and finally applying to fix you up. Worst case you delete those 2 files and reconfigure accordingly.
  22. Post your diagnostics Deleting network.cfg (and network-rules) and rebooting will set everything back to defaults on networking.
  23. Yes. If you've now got access to the WebUI, it's easier from Tools - Diagnostics
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