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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Are you doing a correcting parity check? But, other than that Marvel based controllers will on (depending upon the drives which are installed) consistently cause 5 errors every time a parity check is done. Marvel is not a recommended controller for this and other reasons.
  2. Donation links within templates are now deprecated. In other words, all an author / maintainer has to do is fill out the appropriate entries within their profile ( https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38619-docker-template-xml-schema/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-919111 If (for some reason) you desire a different donation link on a specific template, then just add the appropriate entries to that template, and it will take precedence over the profile one. You do NOT have to adjust any of your existing templates to handle this change. Any / all existing donation links whether or not you have filled out a profile will still work.
  3. Developer / Maintainer Profiles CA supports developer profiles. This allows a user to look at and compare the developers who are creating / supporting the various containers / plugins. In order to take advantage of this, create a file within your template repositories called ca_profile.xml Whenever a user selects the "Repositories" section, preference (ie: the first ones in the list) are given to authors who have filled out the profile. For most developers, the profile would be something akin to: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Maintainer> <Icon>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/docker-templates/master/ich777/images/avatar.jpg</Icon> <Profile> Creating Docker containers with a little different approach than most developers, the container only has the dependencies installed and also the start script and downloads the application itself on the first start and updates the application on every start/restart of the container. </Profile> <DonateLink>https://www.paypal.me/chips777</DonateLink> <DonateText>If you like my work please consider Donating.</DonateText> </Maintainer> However there are also other entries which can be utilized if so desired: <Forum> - A link to a forum page here (announcement thread, general support thread etc) <WebPage> - A link to a webpage you operate <Facebook> - A link to a facebook group / page <Reddit> - A link to a reddit group <Discord> - A link to a discord site <Twitter> - A link to a twitter page <Photo> - Any additional photos etc you want to include within your profile see https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38619-docker-template-xml-schema/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-1051850 <Video> - a link to a video / podcast etc.
  4. The file (as you've posted) is missing the first character "<" If that's just simply a copy / paste error, then actually attach the file here, and don't copy / paste the contents. If it's not an error on your part, then what you're seeing is quite possible.
  5. What you're seeing is normal, and expected, and happens on all OS's (including Windows) You've presumably set up sonarr / radarr path mappings something akin to: /downloads -> /mnt/user/downloads /media -> /mnt/user/media Sonarr / Radarr have to relocate the file from /downloads to be /media. At first thought you'd think that the system could simply rename the file. Except that the file exists at /downloads/myMedia.mkv, and you want it to be renamed to /media/myMedia.mkv The only way to do that is to copy / delete the original, because there is no other way possible to move a file from /downloads to /media. IE: You can't move a file via renaming between two mount points. Your alternative to this is to simply reference everything on all the containers as /mnt -> /mnt, and then renames will happen. But, then because the system allows renames, the destination file may wind up on a disk in apparent violation of the include / exclude rules and the use cache settings.
  6. Recreate the docker.img. Painless and easy https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  7. Yeah, the webGUI isn't responding to anything at the moment, and no obvious reason discernable simply from the syslog. Just do from the command line powerdown -r To do a clean reboot. Oh, and since you said you could still navigate your shares, you could've just navigated to the flash share (if it was exported) to grab the file
  8. Post /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-qbittorrent.xml from the flash drive
  9. My own personal theory is that no one can properly pronounce my name when it gets added to the Credits.
  10. At the very least, while you're waiting, post the syslog. If the diagnostics don't complete within another 5 minutes, they probable won't. The syslog file you grabbed is stored in the root of the FLASH share.
  11. 1. Reboot 2. Make a change, any change under Settings - Scheduler - Parity Tuning and apply it. That'll clean up the logs quite a bit 3. Wait to see if it fills up again nginx decided to stop (possibly out of memory?) Hard to tell why...
  12. Maybe then because it's beta software? Best to ask in the support thread
  13. Your version of sonarr looks completely different than mine: And in the linuxserver template, I've got zero problems.
  14. Reseat all the cabling to the drives and to the controller Feb 20 05:59:42 Sunset-Shimmer kernel: sd 12:0:7:0: Power-on or device reset occurred Feb 20 05:59:42 Sunset-Shimmer kernel: sd 12:0:8:0: Power-on or device reset occurred
  15. Time for the semi-annual list of template errors which CA is finding and in most cases, fixing automatically. If you see your name on this list, please correct the templates accordingly These templates are invalid and the application they are referring to is unknown [ { "TemplatePath": "/tmp/appFeed/templates/digiblursRepository/deepstack.xml", "errors": [ "Opening and ending tag mismatch: TemplateURL line 14 and Container", "EndTag: ' ], "LastUpdateScan": 1612717620, "FirstSeen": 1538604219 }, { "TemplatePath": "/tmp/appFeed/templates/knex666sRepository/icecast/icecast.xml", "errors": [ "Not an unRaid Application (no Repository or PluginURL entry)" ], "LastUpdateScan": 1612717620, "FirstSeen": 1538604219 }, { "TemplatePath": "/tmp/appFeed/templates/TQsRepository/docker-zabbix-appliance-alpine.xml", "errors": [ "Opening and ending tag mismatch: TemplateURL line 14 and Container", "EndTag: ' "Opening and ending tag mismatch: Registry line 5 and Container", "EndTag: ' "Opening and ending tag mismatch: Registry line 5 and Container", "EndTag: ' ], "LastUpdateScan": 1612717620, "FirstSeen": 1538604219 } ] These are the errors CA is fixing (but TBH it really shouldn't have to) Aggie1999's Repository wbynum/qemubackup: No Icon specified within the application template Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config agusalex' Repository agusalex/grive2: Invalid WebUI agusalex/notarius:latest: No category entry present Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present alturismo's Repository dnsforge/xteve:latest: No Support Link Present Andrew207's Repository atunnecliffe/splunk: Hardcoded port found in webUI entry aptalca's Repository aptalca/docker-zoneminder: Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present argash's Repository denverquane/amongusdiscord: No container port set. Set to 8123 (The port the Bot will use for incoming Socket.io communications from the capture client. Defaults to 8123. You must specify more (comma-delimited ports) if you are running with NUM_SHARDS > 1. For example, with 3 shards, PORT = 8123,8124,8125) atribe's Repository atribe/apcupsd-influxdb-exporter: No Icon specified within the application template achumchal/plex_data_collector_for_influxdb: No Icon specified within the application template barrycarey/speedtest-for-influxdb-and-grafana: No Icon specified within the application template bashNinja's Repository bashninja/docker-pritunl: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to https://[IP]:[PORT:443] Bender's Repository traefik:latest: Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting Hardcoded IP address for webUI. It should always be [IP] instead. Hardcoded port found in webUI entry boerderij/varken: Invalid WebUI acockburn/appdaemon: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting Hardcoded IP address for webUI. It should always be [IP] instead. Hardcoded port found in webUI entry Bungy's Repository sameersbn/gitlab: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ jshridha/motioneye:latest: No category entry present Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed owncloud: No category entry present Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ jshridha/rdiffweb: No Icon specified within the application template Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080] centurylink/watchtower: No category entry present No Icon specified within the application template CaptInsano's Repository captinsano/koel: No category entry present Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/ captinsano/legacyrutorrent: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ captinsano/rutorrent: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ cheesemarathon's Repository coderaiser/cloudcmd: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8000] msjpq/firefox-vnc: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080] minio/minio: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:9000]/ taskcafe/taskcafe: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:3333]/ chvb's Repository chvb/docker-apache-php: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ chvb/docker-kerio-connect: Unknown category Network:Email chvb/onlyofficedocumentserver:latest: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] clowrym's Repository hexparrot/mineos: No category entry present ninjaneer/plex-discord-bot: Unknown category Uncategorized: No Icon specified within the application template No Support Link Present cmer's Repository cmer/minio: Fatal: Multiple Repositories Found - Removing application from lists Conmyster's Repository zabbix/zabbix-agent:latest: Multiple Category tags present - using longest one d8ahazard's Repository digitalhigh/glimmr: Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting DanRegalia's Repository portainer/portainer-ce: Unknown category Docker: DavidSpek's Repository rocker/rstudio: No Support Link Present dee31797's Repository djaydev/motioneye: Unknown category Media: Unknown category Servers: diamkil's Repository sctx/overseerr: Unknown category Media: Unknown category Applications: dibbz' Repository quimnut/brewpi-wifi: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ quimnut/cloud9ide: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/ gogs/gogs: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:3000]/ digiblur's Repository homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config adolfintel/speedtest: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] raymondmm/tasmoadmin: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ danmed/tasmobackupv1: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config iotreboot/tasui:latest: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config nico640/docker-unms: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to https://[IP]:[PORT:443] docgyver's Repository https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docgyver/unraid-v6-plugins/master/denyhosts.plg: No Icon specified within the application template https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docgyver/unraid-v6-plugins/master/ssh.plg: No Icon specified within the application template ElectricBrainUK's Repository electricbrainuk/idleminerdashboard: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:3000] electricbrainuk/unraidapi: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] eXisTa's Repository xirixiz/dsmr-reader-docker: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config fanningert's Repository guacamole/guacd: Unknown category Network:Mangament No Support Link Present fithwum's Repository fithwum/minecraft: No Support Link Present frakman1's Repository docker.bintray.io/jfrog/artifactory-oss:6.23.7: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config gitlab/gitlab-runner: No category entry present Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed releases-docker.jfrog.io/jfrog/artifactory-jcr:latest: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config ganey's Repository honeygain/honeygain: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting No Support Link Present gfjardim's Repository https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfjardim/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/statistics.sender.plg: No Support Link Present Grack's Repository gregyankovoy/chowdown: No category entry present gregyankovoy/goaccess: No category entry present gregyankovoy/lftp-mirror: No category entry present No Icon specified within the application template hernandito's Repository hernandito/hernando-apachephp-docker: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ hernandito/docker-apache-php-adminer: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ hernandito/docker-resourcespace: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ coolasice1999/tmm-cli-cronjob:latest: Unknown category MediaManager: coolasice1999/tmm:latest: Unknown category MediaManager: hotio's Repository hotio/autoscan: No Icon specified within the application template JBartlett's Repository jbartlett777/diskspeed: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8888]/ JCloud's Repository quantumobject/docker-cacti: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/cacti analogic/poste.io: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ jcreynolds' Repository jcreynolds/flextv: Unknown category Media: Unknown category Applications: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] No Support Link Present jj9987's Repository janarj/cloudflare-ddns:1.1: No Icon specified within the application template No Support Link Present Josh.5's Repository josh5/lancache-bundle:latest: No container port set. Set to 80 (Container Port: 80 Don't change!) No container port set. Set to 443 (Container Port: 443 SNIProxy port, don't change!) josywong's Repository ipfs/go-ipfs: No Icon specified within the application template angelics/unraid-docker-ipxe-buildweb: Unknown category Services: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] angelics/unraid-docker-zelcore-wallet: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:5800] kevin yu's Repository hikariai/nvim-server:latest: No Support Link Present kiowa2005's Repository mitchellriley/streetmerchant: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config No Support Link Present knex666's Repository atlassian/confluence-server: No category entry present No Support Link Present knex666/mopidy:3-experimental: No Support Link Present nextcloud:latest: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting knex666/rssnotipy: No category entry present No container port set. Set to 3247 (Container Port: 3247) alqutami/rtmp-hls: No Support Link Present knex666/shortipy: No Support Link Present kevineye/snapcast: No category entry present No Support Link Present doudou34/tor-server: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting No container port set. Set to 9030 (Container Port: ) No container port set. Set to 9001 (Container Port: ) No Support Link Present Kru-X's Repository wekanteam/wekan: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/ wordpress: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config laur's Repository layr/borg-mysql-backup:borg1: No Icon specified within the application template linuxserver's Repository linuxserver/codiad: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ linuxserver/sickgear: No category entry present malvarez00's Repository gitlab/gitlab-ce: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] No Support Link Present malvarez00/docker-unifi-video: Unknown category Media: Unknown category Servers: MarkusMcNugen's Repository markusmcnugen/openconnect: No container port set. Set to 4443 (Container Port: 4443/tcp) No container port set. Set to 4443 (Container Port: 4443/udp) mason's Repository masonxx/mediaelch: Unknown category Tool: mlebjerg's Repository mlebjerg/steamcachebundle:latest: No container port set. Set to 80 (Container Port: Must be 80!) No container port set. Set to 443 (Container Port: 443 SNIProxy port, don't change!) MrChunky's Repository cassandra:latest: No category entry present storjlabs/storagenode:latest: No Support Link Present Mudislander's Repository mudislander/fogproject: Invalid WebUI No Support Link Present bl0m1/xtevedocker: No category entry present CPU pinning removed from template No Icon specified within the application template Muwahhidun's Repository brotandgames/ciao: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config joplin/server:latest: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config roundcube/roundcubemail: Unknown category Web: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config tak786/trango-self-hosted:latest: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config wiznote/wizserver: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config ndetar's Repository deepquestai/deepstack: No Support Link Present robmarkcole/deepstack-ui: No Support Link Present openspeedtest's Repository openspeedtest/latest: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config p.wrangles' Repository wranglatang/bluelinky: No Icon specified within the application template Progeny42's Repository snipe/snipe-it: No Icon specified within the application template PTRFRLL's Repository lukechannings/moviematch: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting ptrfrll/nv-docker-trex: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting ghcr.io/meeb/tubesync:v0.8: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting rge's Repository aronwk/wger:latest: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting No Support Link Present rix's Repository rix1337/docker-gphotos-sync: No category entry present CPU pinning removed from template rix1337/docker-myjd-api: No category entry present rix1337/docker-ripper: Multiple Category tags present - using longest one roflcoopter's Repository roflcoopter/viseron: No category entry present No Icon specified within the application template runraid's Repository ronnieroller/ddns: No Support Link Present deepquestai/deepstack: No Support Link Present kthulu120/liquid_dl: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config No Support Link Present kmb32123/youtube-dl-server: No Support Link Present sdesbure's Repository sdesbure/T411Torznab: Fatal: Invalid repository found. Only lowercase is allowed seim's Repository seafileltd/seafile: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] Selfhosters Unraid Discord Repository gilbn/geoip2influx: No Icon specified within the application template shenxn/protonmail-bridge: No category entry present No Support Link Present rancher/rancher:latest: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config stokkes/sstvproxy: No Icon specified within the application template syncarr/syncarr: No Icon specified within the application template haveagitgat/tdarr_node: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config Siwat2545's Repository adguard/adguardhome: Unknown category DNS: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config machinebox/facebox: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config siwatinc/home_assistant_control_panel_unraid_ab: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] siwatinc/nginx-pagespeed: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ onlyoffice/communityserver: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] onlyoffice/documentserver:6: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] siwatinc/phlex: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80] siwatinc/ubuntu-playground: Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting smdion's beta Repository smdion/docker-keybox: No Icon specified within the application template smdion's Repository smdion/docker-h5ai: Invalid WebUI snoopy86's Repository snoopy86/emoncms-docker: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/ SpaceInvaderOne's Repository spaceinvaderone/macinabox: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config spaceinvaderone/vm_custom_icons: No Support Link Present stuckless' Repository stuckless/crushftp: Unknown category Productivity:Tools Multiple Icons found Sycotix' Repository atlassian/jira-servicedesk: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config pomerium/pomerium: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config fjudith/pwm: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config Taddeusz' Repository mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest: Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present No Support Link Present TheBrian's Repository theoriginalbrian/intel-gpu-telegraf: No category entry present thetarkus' Repository thetarkus/funkwhale: Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config No Support Link Present thomast_88's Repository gitlab/gitlab-runner: No category entry present Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed Uirel's Repository caddy:alpine: Multiple Descriptions Found Unknown category Network:Web, Unknown category Network:Proxy: No Support Link Present ulisses1478's Repository ulisses1478/docker-android: No category entry present No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting No Support Link Present ulisses1478/bitcoinwallet-gui: No Support Link Present ulisses1478/mongo-express: No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting No Support Link Present phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin: No Support Link Present ulisses1478/shinobi: No Support Link Present ulisses1478/teleradarr: Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting No Support Link Present ulisses1478/zcashwallet: No Support Link Present Veriwind's Repository itzg/minecraft-server: No Icon specified within the application template No container port set. Set to 25575 (rcon-cli port:) No container port set. Set to 25565 (Minecraft Port: ) zyphermonkey's Repository zyphermonkey/splunk: No Support Link Present
  16. Is one or the other server sleeping or resetting? I have multiple mounts on each server referencing the other, and that only happens if I restart one or the other.
  17. Under My Activity Streams, Create A New Stream Name it something like Unread No Languages Set it up like thus Next to Topics, click the gear And in the dropdown select everything but the language sub forums Save it, Now under activity streams, select your newly created stream At the top right, under stream options, select it as default stream Now the unread button has changed to instead be your stream.
  18. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/36057-noobie-docker-setup-guide/#comment-345882 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566095 Nothing's changed...
  19. Fix it in a bit. But it also means that you currently dont have any previous apps the system recognizes
  20. Actually, by default Digikam is set to run in host mode, in which case all port mappings are by definition ignored. Not sure if this was set like that on purpose or not. To get port mapping to work you have to edit the app and switch it to instead be bridge.
  21. Post your docker run command https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-564345
  22. Try cycling it and then applying. While I'm not saying that it's impossible for the mis-reporting, it's curious that your 40C the BIOS reports is ~104F that Unraid says it is.
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