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Everything posted by Squid

  1. VM would be the way to go for any windows app. For remote access to the VM, I'd suggest TeamViewer
  2. Certain combinations of hardware will issue an MCE when initializing the cores of the cpu. Yours is one of them. Can be safely ignored Bestimmte Hardwarekombinationen geben beim Initialisieren der Kerne der CPU eine MCE aus. Dein ist einer von ihnen. Kann ignoriert werden
  3. PHP incorporated into an HTML file always runs prior to the page being loaded. ie: ... <?PHP var $test = "This is a test"; ?> <script> $("#element").html("<?=$test?>"); </script> Will result in the javascript sent to the browser being $("#element").html("This is a test"); Are you trying to make the PHP dynamically affect the page? In this case, you need to use appropriate post / get / ajax calls
  4. Sounds like in Settings -Display settings it's set to display Fahrenheit instead of Celcius
  5. You can't. Flash backup was added on a whim, and will been deprecated soon(tm)
  6. Trying to understand why deleting the file didn't work. Did you delete, then re-pin, and then update CA?
  7. Then not quite sure. Deleting old sets happens after a successful backup. But, if the appdata share got recreated (reboot to try and see what was going on), and in the interim another backup happened, then basically a blank txz would get created, but that doesn't explain why there's nothing in there. 🤔
  8. Best guess is that you had the backups going to a share that was Use Cache: Yes (or only), and in that situation the backup was stored on your now defective cache, and is lost.
  9. ok. I see what the problem is. I'll work on a solution. The issue is your previously pinned binhex apps are stored in the file slightly differently than how they're now supposed to be, due to the "branding" removals. Your easiest solution is to delete the file and repin the apps.
  10. Maybe I'm confused. There's a difference between pinned apps and favourite repository. You can have as many apps as you want pinned to appear in the pinned apps section. Favourite repo there is only 1, and whatever you have selected as the favourite shows up first in any category / searches etc.
  11. It has to download the entire .plg file again from GitHub to check everything. Depending upon how the plugin is created, this file can be relatively small (3K would be about the smallest, or the .plg could include the entire plugin's code (a couple of them out there -> dynamix stop shell @ 74K), or it could have a massive changelog (ie: CA - 68K). It also reads the flash drive to see what's actually installed.
  12. FCP will still complain about the MCE, as it's a normal one that some systems bring up during core initialization, and can be safely ignored.
  13. What exactly is running at 21:39 now? All we can tell is that a container is restarting at that time. Everything else (updates at 00:00,06:00 tasks @ 4:40) look to be running at the applicable time
  14. That section automatically checks for updates whenever you enter the page, unless if you have under notification settings Check for plugin updates disabled, in which case you manually check on that page. Personally, I can't be bothered to check on the updates, and just have updates automatically install via the autoupdate plugin
  15. Shouldn't be any issue with CA and this, barring something up with the flash drive. Try deleting /config/plugins/community.applications/pinned_appsV2.json from the flash drive and try again.
  16. Actually, you'd have to reboot to fix that up.
  17. githubusercontent.com / amazonaws.com + a million random websites for the icons
  18. Probably. No real reason to use piHole as the DNS for the server as there are no ads within the server.
  19. Since the VM is still running, that would be the prime candidate Windows isn't great because half the time it decides to pop up a window telling you it can't shut down for such and such reason. Best to set the VM in Settings - VM Settings to hibernate and install the virtio guest tool on the VM (its on the virtio ISO disk)
  20. Then the next thing would be is the PS up to snuff?
  21. Looks like it just dropped offline. Reseat the cabling.
  22. Have you run a memtest on the system?
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