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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Did a quick test on 6.9, and there's no problems But, there is not any reason to ever adjust the WebUI entry on the containers to point to a different URL / Port. They are usually of the form http://[IP]:[PORT:80] The port referenced is the container port, not the host port, so simply mapping the port differently is all you need to do.
  2. It's not a real big deal as CA itself isn't compatible back that far, but the elements have to remain for the OS itself to be able to read those entries as there are tons of apps which do not contain the v2 elements within the templates.
  3. Send the pictures and S/N of the board to Avago. They are more than willing to help identify if the board is counterfeit.
  4. You weren't using the correct URL via the plugins tab. But, what @itimpi stated is correct
  5. When adding the library, are you navigating to the appropriate container path within plex?
  6. navigate to Plugins/Install Plugin, select/copy/paste this plugin URL and click Install: https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/stable/unRAIDServer.plg Review any caveats here
  7. Ok. Post your diagnostics. Also, vast majority of the GUI is coded such that if it doesnt load with exactly 120 seconds it will never load regardless of how long you wait.
  8. What do you mean by "won't load"?
  9. Implemented next release. Selectable to start on new installs. Edits start automatically if container was already running.
  10. Yeah, but diagnostics are still needed, because there's something weird happening. Part of CA thinks its enabled (no banner), but another part doesn't. The docker tab exists which means that Unraid thinks that it's running, but the template is blank which implies that another part of unraid doesn't think it's running.
  11. The docker service is not enabled or not started. Strange because there *should* have been a banner stating that at the top of the page.
  12. Squid


    Then I'm not understanding what the problem is. If you don't have them installed, then there's nothing to remove
  13. Squid


    What are you looking to remove them from? Being installed or from previous apps? The former just click on the icon and say remove. The latter click in the x in previous apps section.
  14. From the command prompt enter in diagnostics And then upload the resulting file stored on the flash drive here
  15. The extra / duplicated fields are for backwards compatibility with Unraid 6.0 / 6.1. So long as you understand XML formatting and certain character encoding, there is nothing wrong with doing it the manual way. (But you'd be quite surprised at the number of times manual edits introduce syntax errors) But, you might want to append your instructions to state (for your own use) that the URL you put into <TemplateURL> is always overwritten by CA. Upwards of 75% of the authors fill it out incorrectly, so CA always overwrites it with the correct value. (And adds the entry if its missing). This is why there's actually no way to set the entry on 6.8 via the GUI. The only time <TemplateURL> is left alone is if it is <TemplateURL>false</TemplateURL> This is a special circumstance used in a template where the author feels that it is undesirable behaviour that when an update is issued to the container that any ports present in the template that are missing in the user's installation are added back in on the user's installation. (IE: the template won't get updated if/when the container gets updated)
  16. Flash backup does work, but I don't know why you're seeing it like that. All of my systems show it correctly so my first thought is some sort of corruption somewhere along the line on the array. The flash backup is ultimately being deprecated, as it predates the GUI's own flash backup system (non-automated), and something else which is soon(tm)
  17. And something else which most people aren't really aware of. If in CA you hit "Statistics", there's some info in there regarding the feed. If you've added a new template to an existing repository and it hasn't showed up within ~2 hours (you can see the last time the feed ran on that screen), you'll see why it's not appearing by clicking on either the Template Errors link, or the Invalid Templates link. The former lists all the errors (and pet peeves) found on the templates, some of which CA considers to be fatal, and the Invalid Templates are ones where a syntax error in the XML prevent parsing it. On a new repository being added, I'll reply to the PM either with questions / suggestions / fixes required or let you know that it's in there. My goal is to get new repositories added within a couple of hours of receiving the PM.
  18. In your example, you're actually making a (very) common mistake on the webUI entry. The port there refers to the container port, not the host port. This allows Unraid to look at whatever host port is mapped to the port listed in the webUI entry and adjust the URL accordingly. ie: In the example, effectively the WebUI will always go to port 8282 regardless if the user has mapped 8080 to be instead 8081 (since 8282 isn't a valid container port). You want http://[IP]:[PORT:8080] for everything to work correctly. To expand on why I recommend not including host paths (and as you rightly deduced that is not for things like appdata or special linux folders on the host, but rather for shares) is because if the user just happens to accept the template defaults, then that share that the host path is referencing will automatically be created which may lead to some confusion (or even issues under certain circumstances) Beyond that, everything looks great Thanks for doing a vid on this....
  19. The entry in the XML is TemplateURL If you install via Apps, it's already filled out appropriately. If you're not then you have to manually edit the xml and add the entry with the appropriate URL to the raw file (not a blob)
  20. That's somewhat selectable from the template author. Vast majority of the authors have the templates set to update, but others don't because it causes some issues at times. Not all elements in the template get updated, but new ports, descriptions etc do.
  21. try again after rebooting. If it still doesn't work, post another set of diags
  22. The folders that are in RAM, a reboot will fix it up for you. If the system managed to hit the appdata share, then YMMV depending upon the app, etc. For all the other shares, there's no problems with those permissions.
  23. Post your diagnostics. There's something else going on.
  24. Quick glance and it appears that when you installed the new drive you knocked some cabling slightly loose causing issues (SATA isn't exactly known for being a robust connector). Reseat everything. Also, once you have a parity drive, Unraid will always clear the drive out (write zeros to it) to ensure that parity remains consistent. Quite normal, expected, and when you think about it, the only thing possible to happen)
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