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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Any punctuation in the description?
  2. Live production servers. But I do have a laptop running a spare key I've got for when I'm not feeling very warm and fuzzy with what I'm trying to do.
  3. If it's actually shutting off, it suggests either the power supply is turning itself off due to excessive current demands being made on it, or the processor is overheating and shutting the system down (bad fan?)
  4. The key is within the app itself is to make sure that it is set to use /downloads and not something else
  5. Yeah, that means that at a reboot they failed to install. Haven't really super investigated the coding yet on the .plgs, but I would surmise if the settings are set to always download the "latest" version they will do that at reboot time, but many times the network isn't actually up and running at that point in your server's life.
  6. The error to me looks like a slightly loose connection to the drive. But, the system is not keeping the drives spun up near constantly. You've obviously got Auto Turbo mode installed as the system is bouncing back and forth between turbo mode and normal mode. There are hours in between these 2 states. Oh and Diagnostics are always preferred over syslogs
  7. I looked, and no longer have any backups of 5.x but, what do you mean by "it just hangs"?
  8. My guess would be to delete the contents of /config/ssl on the flash drive and reboot.
  9. The error that you'll see in that case is along the lines of "pull limit exceeded" The solution is to wait 6 hours and try again.
  10. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't trade them at all. That absolute best thing I find is that I get a notification every time one of my mooching neighbours latch onto my guest network. One click and poof they're gone. I used to paint everything with multiple routers etc. Switching to the mesh network on a Deco made my life so much easier.
  11. My personal opinion on that is that USB is more reliable than the drives. I've got a total of 24 hard drives between two servers, and my pair of flash drives have outlasted every one of the drives. The USB is only used as a boot device. It's basically used extremely little (only at boot and only to store any settings changes). At the end of the day, most users will actually read or write to it maybe at best one a month. You're never actually out of luck. You can always set up a trial key on a new flash. Assign the drives accordingly and you're basically off to the races. That being said, some people do have trouble with the drives. I believe that Limetech has implied that a better solution for replacement etc is coming soon(tm)
  12. I've also got the Deco's. Great for painting your house / outdoors with wifi. Unfortunately, they do have issues with regards to the firmware. Most glaring is that if you don't happen to live in the middle of nowhere then it may be an issue that the network is always on a certain channel and cannot be changed, even if there are empty channels present. One complaint I do have though other than the channel issue (doesn't really affect me) is that I have to disable roaming on certain devices within the Deco software in order for some devices (eg my Ring Doorbell and my Alexas) to be able to connect at all.
  13. Look at SWAG if you don't want to install a VPN app on each device
  14. As an FYI, Apps looks for stuff like that (a container referencing /mnt/cache, but no cache drive present) and will adjust the template to suit. IE: if no cache drive was present, then it would change it to /mnt/diskX. On 6.9 since /mnt/cache refers to a pool, it will select another cache pool if the template's pool does not exist. Many templates directly specify /mnt/cache for one reason or another
  15. If the price seems to good to be true, then it is probably fake. Look for used server pulls, not brand new.
  16. There's different drivers for docker to be on different filesystems. AFAIK, there's only the 2 included in the OS -> btrfs and xfs. You could probably do a feature req to have the driver for zfs included for docker Your other option is either a btrfs or xfs image stored on the zfs pool.
  17. That's pretty much normal in all industries. Upgrade pricing more than if you bought it at the start
  18. Have you ruled out Plex doing a scan of the media? Dec 29 17:55:10 BlackBox kernel: mdcmd (34): set md_write_method 1 You've got turbo mode enabled. Any write to any drive will result in them all spinning up.
  19. Pic #3. Just change the path. Radarr uses "root" folders, and it uses the last one you've set as a default. Add a new movie, Add a new path for a root folder and it'll use that one going forward by default.
  20. By default mc uses the current path as the default. So you can "cd" to wherever you want to be prior to executing mc Or, you can edit /root/.config/mc/panels.ini to suit (google is your friend) Once you've got panels.ini working the way you like then you save the file to the flash drive and at boot time copy it back to the appropriate folder to make it persistent
  21. Update CA. The version currently installed isn't compatible with 6.9
  22. Run mover. (Make the share to be cache-yes, and then Main, Run Mover).
  23. And specifically also include the applicable xml file from within /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive along with what you did.
  24. Try for the heck of it deleting /config/rsyslog.cfg and /config/rsyslog.conf on the flash drive and then rebooting...
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