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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Assuming you're talking about the dashboard, this is fixed on the next release of the OS.
  2. What folder are you trying to find the size of? Do something like du /mnt/user/Movies -h
  3. The error from FCP seems to indicate that the file(s) within /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user for swag and nextcloud do not exist or are corrupted. Did you originally install them via Apps or via the command line?
  4. No development on anything is happening for at least 5 weeks do to real life constraints. ETA, can't give a solid answer at this point GitHub https://github.com/Squidly271/ca.backup2
  5. ^^^ This is the default file. Everything else you've already appended.
  6. Yeah, it would've offered it up because the paths on the two containers weren't identical, but one was still in use so it couldn't actually delete it.
  7. Annoyance, but won't absolutely kill me. Previously, on the Unread stream you could click the name of the thread and it would take you to the first unread post in the thread. Now it takes you to the OP. To get to the first unread you have to either click the little clock or the orange ball next to the thread.
  8. Are you sure you're using the correct IP address to get into the UI (and port #) If COPS is running (and returning an error), then the array is started.
  9. Yes, or alternatively via Apps (enable re-install default in its Settings), then from installed apps do a reinstall default, change the name etc. Yes, because the layers wind up being shared between the two instances. Alternatively, you can "tag" the apps to use one of the available tags (click the icon and then select more info to see what tags are available), but then at that point, you're forcing the app to stay on a specific version, so you lose updates.
  10. First thing would be to double check that the date & time on the server ( Settings - Date & Time ) is correct
  11. I can't replicate. I'd suggest going into CA's Settings, enable Debug mode Go back into CA, see what's pinned, try and pin more, see what's pinned until you can replicate. Then click the debugging link on the menu at the left and upload the file here. During this process, do not exit CA as it'll restart the debugging logs.
  12. So TLDR, how does this all affect CA? Should the app be pulled from CA?
  13. The 2nd one above is the failed one where the router didn't respond to the DHCP request. Have you tried assigning a static IP address within Network settings (and the gateway set to the router)?
  14. What version of unraid are you running? My 6.8.3 and 6.9 do not show the name of the container at the top of the drop down
  15. Are you able to grab diagnostics after it loses the connection?
  16. If you toss the flash into a Windows box what does it show for capacity? Post your diagnostics
  17. User scripts executes its scripts differently, so that error is basically impossible to happen, unless you're trying to execute that script from within another script of user scripts. In that case you would change your script to execute it like /bin/bash /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/StartVMs/script
  18. The entry on the WebUI should read http://[IP]:[PORT:8222]/ The WebUI entry refers to the container port, not the host port, and should never really need to be changed
  19. ok. Then something else is up. Do new pins work?
  20. The mce happened at initialization of the cpu cores and happens with certain combinations of cpu's / motherboards on occasion, and is nothing to be particularly worried about and can be safely ignored. Alternatively, your server is involved in a conspiracy theory. Take your pick
  21. No. Look at the tail end of the Mover Tuning thread for directions (and make sure FCP is up to date).
  22. No update is required to the plugin. Set the source as required
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