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Everything posted by Squid

  1. /dev/loop2 20G 3.8M 20G 1% /var/lib/docker Reason why you're not seeing any apps installed is that there are none installed. Probably from whatever happened that you alluded to. Apps - Previous Apps, and check off what you want should fix you up.
  2. The one time the dashboard stopped showing anything for me, I closed every open browser tab to the system, and it fixed it up for me.
  3. As in compiling? Best to reach out directly to @limetech or @eschultz
  4. Personally for me, I have CA Backup set to not stop mariadb to avoid these kind of problems with no ill effects
  5. First thing to check would be a memtest from the boot menu (and then also seeing if there's a difference in behaviour if you turn off XMP / AMP speeds on the memory)
  6. You would need to do this: Create the file called /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/myscript/script.page Menu="Tasks:80" Name="My Script" Type="xmenu" Tabs="true" Code="e942" You can move where the tab is located by adjusting the number within "Menu" as per the tab numbering here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57109-plugin-custom-tab/ Create another file called /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/myscript/myscript.page Menu="script" --- <? echo "<h1>Running script</h1><br><br>"; passthru("/bin/bash /boot/myscript.sh"); ?> Change the bash command appropriately within "passthru" Note: The page will keep loading while the script executes. If you're planning on doing something like starting a long running script (rsync?) by doing this, then the script that you call has to start another script via the "AT" command in bash. The screen does not update as the script executes, but will only be updated once the script is finished. If after starting the script you want the GUI to go back to where ever you were at prior to clicking the custom tab, then add to the second file <script>history.back();</script> ALL of these files need to be saved with standard linux line endings (use Notepad++) Copy the files to the folder in RAM via the userscripts plugin (or go file) at first boot
  7. A container running on br0 (ie: a separate IP address) does not have access to the host by design. It's on a totally separate network. Why not run nginx on the bridge network?
  8. Really depends upon the container. Many containers you can set the PGID/PUID appropriately. Others have options within them to set the permissions on the files they they write to the shares. To fix, you run the New Permissions Tool against the share
  9. It looks good on your markup, but when the pic is resized back down to the size of the font on the dashboard page, everything all winds up looking to be exactly the same. Probably this should wait until if/when a complete redesign of the dashboard happens.
  10. For 3 months, I would. But the gamble though is that you get a decent drive back and not a refurbished one which may or may not have more problems.
  11. More than likely. Either ask a question here, or in lsio's discord (you can get to it via Apps - Repositories, and find linuxserver in the cards)
  12. #2 applies also to subfolders. If you have 2 identically named subfolders only differing in case, then only one will display (Windows thinks of Movies/DVD Movies and Movies/dvd movies as being identical, but linux does not, and SMB tries to make the best of it) You'd have to explore the share via the Shares tab to confirm this.
  13. If ACS can't break apart the integrated soundcard from other devices, then there's not much that you can do.
  14. Well, until such time as either @limetech says its ok for SSDs to be in the array under all circumstances or @JorgeB says similar, the test and warning stays, as FCP isn't designed to be definitive, but rather what trips people up.
  15. You would probably be better off switching to Resilio Sync from LinuxServer instead of using Sync from Limetech. The former will have updates issued for it on Fridays rain or shine.
  16. 2 Possibilities OTOH Turn on in Settings - SMB Settings - Show dot files You have 2 identical shares only differing in "case" ie: Movies and movies SMB will get confused and only show you the contents of one of them.
  17. It means that due to background garbage collection etc the data actually on the SSD may not be what is actually expected, and when rebuilding another drive, corruption may occur. Some drives will work no problems if they support certain things AFAIK.
  18. Seagates report Raw Error Rate differently than WD, and a non zero (and very high) number in there is quite normal.
  19. *shouldn't* ever be an issue with running a loopback on a ZFS device.
  20. Neither do I, but if your comfortable with attempts to log in from everywhere in the world, then it's no skin off my back. You should try setting static DNS addresses within Settings - Network settings.
  21. You should post your complete diagnostics.zip file, not just the syslog BUT, presumably from having to tear through the syslog your screenshot is from the parity drive, in which case that particular attribute is normal on a Seagate drive since it reports it differently than your data drives (WD)
  22. Feb 12 16:11:16 Tower in.telnetd[22117]: connect from ( Unless you're living in India, with an alter-ego living in the US and China (simultaneously), then Remove it from the DMZ
  23. Absolutely. But the test it hung on would help pinpoint what your problem is in lieu of diagnostics
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