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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Create the folder you want anywhere you want (ie: /mnt/myshare, /mnt/disks/myshare, etc) Then add this section to /config/smb-extra.conf on the flash drive [NameOfSMBShare] path=/path/to/share valid users = whoever write list = whoever On boots, NameOfSMBShare will be available (assuming you also create /path/to/share at every boot via the go file)
  2. And that's why its a script at this time.
  3. Check plugin integrity Prior to inclusion in FCP, I'd like to get this script out to see if I'm just opening a can of worms and/or don't have a clue about what I'm doing This script will confirm the files downloaded by a plugin and stored on the flash drive actually match what the author intended (since unRaid only checks the files when they are actually downloaded, and upon a reboot it assumes that the file(s) stored on the flash are correct and does not confirm the checksums again when reinstalling at boot) This script does require Community Applications to be installed, and if adding the script via Add Script in user.scripts, ensure you delete the opening #!/bin/bash that user scripts automatically pops into the script for you. script #!/usr/bin/php <? require_once("/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/xmlHelpers.php"); $allPlugins = glob("/boot/config/plugins/*.plg"); foreach ($allPlugins as $plg) { $xml = file_get_contents($plg); $o = TypeConverter::xmlToArray($xml,TypeConverter::XML_GROUP); if ( ! $o ) { echo "<font color='red'>$plg is corrupted and is not a valid plugin file</font>\n"; continue; } $plgName = str_replace(".plg","",basename($plg)); $flag = false; foreach ($o['FILE'] as $file) { if ( !$file['@attributes']['Name'] || !$file['value']['MD5'] ) { continue; } if ( ! is_file($file['@attributes']['Name']) ) { echo "<font color='red'>$plgName: ".$file['@attributes']['Name']." included in plugin, but not present on flash drive\n"; continue; } $flag = true; echo "$plgName: Testing {$file['@attributes']['Name']}... "; if ( md5_file($file['@attributes']['Name']) == $file['value']['MD5'] ) { echo "Passed\n"; } else { echo "<font color='red'>Failed!</font> Calculated: ".md5_file($file['@attributes']['Name'])." Should Be:".$file['value']['MD5']."\n"; exec("/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify -e '$plgName Failed Integrity Check' -i 'alert'"); } } if ( ! $flag ) { echo "$plgName has no MD5's present\n"; } } ?>
  4. Change the references on all of your containers for the /config folder from /mnt/user/.... to /mnt/cache/...
  5. Don't use that one. Completely unsupported, and regardless that it says it works with unRaid 6, with the changes since 6.1 the odds are excellent that it won't run properly
  6. Back up and running. Thanks @linuxserver.io
  7. Yeah. Somehow a regression slipped in where if you reset your server the schedule wasn't getting run. I'll pump out an update tomorrow for this.
  8. Status Update: As of this writing, the application feed is currently offline, and returning malformed data. I'm sure this is a temporary situation, but in the meantime, Legacy Mode is still operational (the button to switch to it will appear after the error about the appfeed being down appears) In the meantime, I'm taking advantage of this very rare outage to beef up the suggested actions / causes that appears when this does occur.
  9. Probably the same thing would work for the other versions. If in doubt, I tend to go for official versions
  10. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    I closed the transfer window on Krusader. How do I get it back? This tip from @Lev will probably work for any of the applications that utilize Guacamole as the application's UI https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/59722-krusader-transfer-window/?tab=comments#comment-604814
  11. Wow. Never even knew about the Guac menu. Now, what do we do with this post as this question comes up a fair amount of time?
  12. They're so that the permissions on files get created properly within the appdata. Don't change unless you know exactly what you're doing and/or you have a very good reason for it. IE: They are the proper values If linuxserver ever gets around to publishing v2 templates, then they would probably hide or lock those variables
  13. In the apps tab, under settings enable dockerHub searches Search for iobroker (and click the dockerhub button to get more results) On the list that'll appear, add the official version (author: iobroker) that comes up CA will convert the dockerfile and then give you the template. Remove the path entry for /opt/..... (if you don't do this, the container won't start) Change the webUI entry to be http://[IP]:[PORT:8081] ( need to hit advanced in the top right for this) Install it and you should be done (it at least brought up the UI for me) This is the resulting XML: after doing the above <?xml version="1.0"?> <Container version="2"> <Name>iobroker</Name> <Repository>iobroker/iobroker</Repository> <Registry>https://hub.docker.com/r/iobroker/iobroker/~/dockerfile/</Registry> <Network>bridge</Network> <MyIP/> <Privileged>false</Privileged> <Support>https://hub.docker.com/r/iobroker/iobroker/</Support> <Overview>This is docker version of ioBroker Home-Automation platform. [b]Converted By Community Applications[/b]</Overview> <Category/> <WebUI>http://[IP]:[PORT:8081]</WebUI> <TemplateURL/> <Icon>https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/source/community.applications/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/images/question.png</Icon> <ExtraParams/> <PostArgs/> <DateInstalled>1511631460</DateInstalled> <Description>This is docker version of ioBroker Home-Automation platform. [b]Converted By Community Applications[/b]</Description> <Networking> <Mode>bridge</Mode> <Publish> <Port> <HostPort>8081</HostPort> <ContainerPort>8081</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> <Port> <HostPort>8082</HostPort> <ContainerPort>8082</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> <Port> <HostPort>8083</HostPort> <ContainerPort>8083</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> <Port> <HostPort>8084</HostPort> <ContainerPort>8084</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> </Publish> </Networking> <Data/> <Environment/> <Config Name="Host Port 1" Target="8081" Default="8081" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 8081" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">8081</Config> <Config Name="Host Port 2" Target="8082" Default="8082" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 8082" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">8082</Config> <Config Name="Host Port 3" Target="8083" Default="8083" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 8083" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">8083</Config> <Config Name="Host Port 4" Target="8084" Default="8084" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 8084" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">8084</Config> </Container>
  14. I think the better solution as far as FCP is concerned is to instead delay the scan done at disks_mounted by something like 30 minutes. Problem that others have with the network issue is usually related to running pfSense as a VM in which case the startup time is significantly longer than any timeout that I would be comfortable with
  15. You're talking about when its performing the update? Don't worry about it. Its because I'm running some PHP code in the installation. Happens to a few plugins out there.
  16. Nothing changed there. Show me your diagnostics
  17. After installing all of the updates I've done over the last two days, if anyone wonders where all their various CA apps disappeared to, they are now all listed within User Utilities. Settings - Community Applications section should no longer exist. All part of the final step in a complete separation of the plugins from CA itself.
  18. Because executing bash within a container by default means that its interactive, and the system is effectively waiting for you to enter in the commands Try this docker exec -t apache Step 0 docker exec -t apache Step 1 docker exec -t apache Step 2
  19. Appreciate it. I'm sure I'm not the only one affected, as I've also seen a bunch of "Execution Errors" lately with other users here with regards to docker containers. I'll get back to you in a few days when I see if anything changed.
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