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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Can you show me a screenshot of Settings - Docker Settings (Click Advanced in the top right)
  2. Your's finished. IE: nothing of interest there... @MickMorley's did not. But the system kept on chugging away. That's what's making me curious. I did just start a backup on my system, and invoked mover several times, and it finished no problems. Install Fix Common Problems, pop it into trouble shooting mode, and try to replicate the issue. Then upload FCPsyslog_tail.txt and the last diagnostics generated
  3. It would be awesome if I could see the log from the backup cp /var/lib/docker/unraid/ca.backup.datastore/appdata_backup.log /boot And then upload here
  4. No. Its because its because the docker doesn't have the "taskbar" displaying which prevents you from bringing it back up....
  5. Only solution is to not close the progress window. The copy will still continue even with it closed Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  6. And set the mapping to be access mode rw slave. Fyi dolphin template includes the mappings whereas krusader does not Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  7. Minor side effect of the fact that the installation routine is done in php instead of bash for various reasons. It doesn't affect anything and when it says plugin installed you can close the window. It is on my to do list but not at the top of my priorities
  8. It'll be a harmless message. Assuming you got the line number correct, then its a message from the kill of the PID. I cannot replicate it at all, but there are safe guards in place to ensure that only a single copy of the script ever gets executed at a time in case something somewhere does get confused.
  9. Here are all the steps you need to know about how to add apps to your server. Install the Community Applications Plugin Go to the apps tab. Using repositories via the Docker tab is really no longer used at all.
  10. Added in schedules. Schedules are set via a standard cron entry to force on or off turbo mode as requested. Turbo / Normal mode will stay set until a set time frame has expired, after which either Auto Turbo mode will be re-enabled (or unRaid's settings will take over if auto turbo is not enabled) In the event of an overlapping schedule, a warning will be logged, and the later schedule will take precedence * if you were using the script a few posts up to implement scheduling via user.scripts, then discontinue utilizing it -> changes have been made @binhex - Added scheduling not because I particularly see a need for it (but you may, who knows), but needed to work out how to do unlimited multiple schedules for another idea rolling around in my head)
  11. Only if using a single parity drive. With dual parity drives, parity disk 2 will be incorrect
  12. Your mileage varies depending upon the source zip, dl client. You never have problems reading / playing the file. Its only when you go to modify it or delete it that the permissions from sonarr pop into play.
  13. This is what you want. But, any pre-existing files moved before the change won't get changed to the proper permissions. You need to install Fix Common Problems, and then run Tools - Docker Safe New Permissions
  14. So it was a one time error that a reboot fixed? My best guess right now is that your rootfs is 100% full on the server (a real major damn near impossible PITA for me to attempt to replicate). Install the Fix Common Problems plugin and if it happens again, then run FCP's tests.
  15. Fixed. But strange though... Only affected if started through the GUI..
  16. Its just the way that @bnevets27has his system set up. Not all disks have been set within the settings (leaving gaps of 4 drives -> presumably for his own organizational needs). Not how I would set up a server, but it is a valid configuration.
  17. Not related to the plugin per se. (ie: part of my testing is to only develop on one of the servers, then when I issue a release to update my secondary through normal channels - And it worked perfectly). Presumably it would have shown a mismatch on the md5 due to a corrupted download, but AFAIK it shouldn't have trashed the already installed version. But at least you're back up and running.
  18. disks.ini is generated by a background process in unRaid. Temperatures are pushed into it at the frequency set in settings - disk settings - Poll Attributes (defaults to every 30 minutes) Don't have an adaptec controller, so can't help you out beyond that info
  19. Set it to however many disks you want to spin up when a write happens (turbo mode all disks have to be spinning)... Really up to you and no recommended setting
  20. I don't user this container, but it sounds like you're using a host path of /mnt. In which case, all of your shares will be within the user folder combining all of the files on the various disks. Generally, to utilize a share on another system, you would first mount that share with Unassigned Devices plugin, and then pass through a mapping to it.
  21. I didn't think that it did (but, once either docker or vms are enabled, those shares are created) If you run docker or vm's and prefer your own shares, nothing states anywhere that you have to use the default system ones. If it really annoys you over the network, just set them to be not exported. If you look at where unRaid was, where it is today, and where it is presumably going, some sort of system folder created automatically on the array is going to be required soon no matter what. Really not too much different than all of the folders Windows makes on your C drive.
  22. The problem is that a process from the webUI crashed or is hanging up waiting for something. emhttp unfortunately is single-threaded, and every process executed must complete before a new page request can be processed. Nothing in the ps report in the diagnostics outright jumps out at me as which process it is, so at this point, you can either wait it out -> hopefully it will complete, or at the command prompt powerdown -r to hopefully restart the system. Note that unRaid 6.4 will be switching to utilizing nginx instead of emhttp so hopefully this issue will no longer surface.
  23. Yeah. Its logged if a script is called. But output of the script is not logged. If you want that use logger instead of echo Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  24. Don't use sab anymore, but IIRC there's a section in its settings to turn on post processing and call scripts you've added to the config folder
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